College & Workforce Readiness Video

How This Juneteenth Tradition Funds Scholarships for College-Bound Students

By Lauren Santucci — June 22, 2023 3:26
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Though it only became a federal holiday in 2021, Juneteenth has long been celebrated by Black Texans, and by Black communities across the country. The holiday marks the end of slavery in the United States, where the last enslaved African Americans were emancipated in Galveston, Texas, in 1865.

As part of the celebrations, one resident of San Marcos, Texas, started an annual Juneteenth cake auction to raise money for college scholarships for local high school graduates.

“I had nobody really help me when I graduated from school,” said 89-year-old Rose Brooks, who started the annual cake auction nearly 50 years ago to raise money for local students.

College-bound seniors at San Marcos High School apply for the scholarship and are then selected by the school based on merit and need. This year, the auction raised $4,500 and supported four students.

Lauren Santucci is a video producer for Education Week.


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