To the Editor:
In “Looping: Here’s What Happens When Students Have the Same Teacher More Than Once (June 21, 2022),” the article shares research that looping has many benefits to student learning and relationships with teachers. I have seen firsthand the benefits of the practice in my career and think it is a great strategy.
The article notes among the many benefits of looping is the correlation of the practice “with a slightly reduced number of [student] absences and suspensions across all grade levels,” which benefits male students of color the most because this group of students is most likely to be suspended and disciplined. This is reason enough for me to highly support the practice of looping.
As educators—and this is especially true for educational leaders—we must keep abreast of current data and utilize the strategies that will help students in the most efficient manner. Our goal is to work toward mastery for all students. We must have high expectations and believe that all students can succeed.
Success will not look the same for each individual student, but utilizing research-based strategies gives us a path toward achievement.
Jessica LeRouge
New York, N.Y.