To the Editor:
I encourage Marc Tucker to take care when making assumptions about the state of teacher-preparation programs (“Teachers Colleges: The Weakest Link,” November 1, 2018).
His assertions regarding such programs simply do not hold up at my institution—Butler University in Indianapolis. Students admitted to and enrolled in our college of education have the same academic credentials as students in the university at large. Beginning early in their undergraduate careers, our students are immersed in experiential education at one of our two laboratory schools. They complete their student teaching in a variety of schools in Indianapolis or in one of our opportunities for student teaching around the country or globe.
I routinely hear words of gratitude from principals who observe the outstanding work our graduates do in their professional lives. I stand proud of my colleagues in our college of education. I am confident our teacher-preparation program prepares graduates to become effective teachers and mentors to our country’s future leaders.
Kathryn Morris
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
Butler University
Indianapolis, Ind.