Teacher Quality/Effectiveness
Read more about efforts to improve teachers’ skills and the standards used to evaluate those skills
Teaching Profession
The One Quality That Every Great Teacher Shares
A lot has changed during my two decades as a teacher, but one thing is just as true as it was on my first day.
Teaching Profession
Quiz Yourself: How Much Do You Know About Teacher Efficacy?
Answer 7 questions about teacher efficacy.
Teaching Profession
A Recent Report Sparked Ire in the Field. One Teacher Explains Why
District leaders should figure out how to support teachers instead of blaming them for the pandemic’s impact on student learning.
Teaching Profession
Teachers' Skills Took a Hit During the Pandemic, Too, Report Says
A new report attributes students' slow academic recovery in part to teachers' ineffective instruction.
Teaching Profession
How Teacher Confidence and Emotional Regulation Can Drive Student Success
Educators also need support for their own emotional development in order to sufficiently support their students.
Early Childhood
What K-12 Can Learn from Pre-K
Early-childhood education has valuable lessons to share with K-12.
Teaching Profession
Want Vibrant, Engaged Teachers? Give Them Professional Freedom
A deputy superintendent explains how his district has created a stimulating environment by trusting teachers to experiment.
Education Funding
Districts Steer Federal Teacher-Quality Funding Into Recruitment, Retention
Efforts to recruit teachers and create "grow your own" programs are in; class-size reduction and teacher evaluation are out.
Teaching Profession
It's Time to Give Feedback Another Chance. Here Are 3 Ways to Get It Right
Teachers and school leaders have a love-hate relationship with feedback, but that's not feedback's fault. It's all in how we approach it.
Teaching Profession
Effective Teachers Are Needed 'More Than Ever Before,' New NCTQ President Says
Heather Peske will take the helm of the National Council on Teacher Quality in May.
What It Means to 'Teach Like a Champion' in 2022
Doug Lemov discusses what the recently released update to his classic work, Teach Like a Champion, has to offer.
Teachers Deliver Less to Students of Color, Study Finds. Is Bias the Reason?
Researchers point to lowered expectations of students' abilities as a factor and suggest systemic solutions.
Teaching Profession
Black and Latino Students Are Still More Likely to Have Inexperienced Teachers, Study Says
These disparities persist despite several years of targeted federal efforts to change that trend.
School & District Management
One Simple Way for Principals to Boost Students’ Unfinished Learning
Instruction improves when teachers remain in their current grades, write researchers Heather C. Hill and Susanna Loeb.