Special Report
School & District Management Video

Video: Emotional Intelligence, Explained

By Kaylee Domzalski — November 6, 2023 4:56
Collage illustration of a leader thinking about something surrounded by images and iconography representing emotional intelligence

Janet Patti and Robin Stern are experts in emotional intelligence and co-creators of a coaching model for educational leaders that’s centered on emotional intelligence. They are also the authors of a new book, Emotional Intelligence for School Leaders.

In this video, they explain what emotional intelligence is and why it matters for educational leaders. “Emotional intelligence is being smart about your feelings. It’s using your thinking to inform your emotional life and using your emotions to inform your cognitive life,” says Stern.

In the video, Patti describes the “competencies” of emotional intelligence—self awareness, self management, social awareness, and relationship management—and explains how they’re connected. Stern explains the RULER method of self-regulation. They also address the relationship between emotional intelligence and social-emotional learning.

Kaylee Domzalski is a video producer for Education Week.


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