It’s really nice that the editors of Teacher Magazine are willing to talk to interested parties and subscribers [“The New Teacher Magazine” online chat, September 6]. Perhaps next time we could get a little more lead time? This opportunity came less than 12 hours after it was posted.
It did make me aware that the Texas State Teachers Association needs a subscription, though. I’m on it.
Paul T. Henley, PhD
Teaching and Learning Specialist
Texas State Teachers Association
Austin, Texas
Editor’s reply: Thank you for your interest in our online chats. We send out e-mail notifications for the chats at least one day in advance. In this case, we actually sent out two notifications, one on September 5 and another on September 6. It’s possible the first one sent to you made a detour somewhere out in cyberspace. Chats are also promoted on our Web site at least a few days prior to the scheduled start time. To receive the chat-alert e-mails, readers should sign up for the “Teacher Magazine Update” e-newsletter as part of our site registration:
Anthony Rebora
Asst. Managing Editor