To the Editor:
Your article “‘What Works’ Guide Gives RTI Thumbs Up on Reading” (March 4, 2009) erroneously reports that the What Works Clearinghouse of the Institute of Education Sciences has provided a “stamp of approval’ for response-to-intervention, or RTI, programs. Recent legislative changes in the 2004 reauthorization of the federal Individuals with Disabilities Education Act have led to increased interest in the RTI framework, and the practice guide discussed in the article provides research-based recommendations on implementing the method. The What Works Clearinghouse, however, does not endorse or approve programs, policies, or practices.
Clearinghouse practice guides are developed by expert panels and are supported by reviews of research using clearinghouse standards. The guides recommend practices, assess the strength of evidence supporting each recommendation, and discuss strategies for overcoming potential roadblocks. The What Works Clearinghouse, operated by Mathematica Policy Research Inc., has released eight guides on a range of topics, and more will be released in the near future. They can be downloaded here.
Mark Dynarski
Vice President
Director, Center for Improving Research Evidence
Mathematica Policy Research Inc.
Princeton, N.J.