To round out my recent posts on disruptive innovation in K-12 education, I want to point out the Disrupting Class blog, for the book of the same name.
Michael B. Horn, one of the authors of the book, which is subtitled How Disruptive Innovation Will Change the Way the World Learns, is tracking ways in which developments in real schools and communities are backing up the book’s theory and analysis. His latest posts are about disruption in higher education, as a theme in the presidential campaign, and in education overseas.
Horn is a Harvard Business School graduate who started researching this topic under his professor Clayton Christensen, the book’s lead author. A polished speaker, Horn has become something of a staple at education conferences lately, presenting at about 15 of them since the book came out last spring.
Christensen and the book’s other co-author, Curtis Johnson, who authored previous books and has served as a college president and a state policy adviser, have also been active on the speaking circuit.
You are also invited to discuss the book at EdWeek’s ongoing Disruptive Innovation forum.