News, analysis, and opinion about K-12 education in Virginia
Make Learning ‘Binge-Worthy’: Immersive Adventures in the Classroom
This district leader explains how teachers can increase student engagement by incorporating immersive adventures into their lessons.
School & District Management
An Unconventional Way One District Is Adding Teacher Planning Time
District leaders had to respond to increased training demands and the reality that elementary teachers generally have little planning time.
Student Achievement
Should Schools Adopt Equitable Grading Practices? A Teacher Voices His Concerns
Responsible grading needs to reflect more than just content mastery, argues a veteran educator.
Professional Development
The PD Teachers Want: 'Why Can’t We Be Doing This All the Time?'
This district leader is creating engaging professional development for teachers using escape rooms and other immersive adventures.
Law & Courts
Biden's Title IX Rule Takes Effect Amid a Confusing Legal Landscape
The rule that expands protections for LGBTQ+ students is effective Aug. 1, but injunctions currently block it in 26 states.
School & District Management
How This Principal Got His Groove Back, and 3 Tips for Others
Kambar Khoshaba, a high school principal, shares strategies to revive school leaders' morale.
School & District Management
Principals' Unions Are on the Rise. What Are Their Demands?
Across the country, principals are organizing for better working conditions.
Student Well-Being
How Video Games Can Combat Chronic Absenteeism (Yes, Really)
In one district, middle school esports clubs are helping to boost attendance and student engagement.
Ed-Tech Policy
Which States Ban or Restrict Cellphones in Schools?
See which states are requiring cellphone restrictions or bans in schools.
School & District Management
Districts’ Virtual Programs Are on the Chopping Block as ESSER Ends
Although usually small in enrollment, virtual programs have been an important option for some students.
Teaching Profession
Teachers’ Unions Are Gaining Ground in a State That Once Forbade Them
With unions now representing educators in its largest district, Virginia is seeing a labor resurgence.
Equity & Diversity
A School Board Reinstated Confederate School Names. Could It Happen Elsewhere?
Shenandoah County's school board voted in May to reinstate two Confederate names. Researchers wonder if others will, too.
Outdoor Learning: The Ultimate Student Engagement Hack?
Outdoor learning offers a host of evidence-based benefits for students. One Virginia school serves as an example how.
A Classroom Management Training Helps New Teachers Send Fewer Kids to the Office
Anti-bias training has mixed success in cutting racial discipline gaps. Helping teachers interpret student behavior may be more effective.