Technology Counts 2003
Pencils Down: Technology’s Answer to Testing
Table of Contents
(Stories without stars require registration.)
- *Tech’s Answer to Testing: School districts and states are turning to computer-based assessment for quicker results and to meet new federal accountability requirements.
- Chart: Computer- based State Tests
- Legal Twists, Digital Turns: The “No Child Left Behind” Act of 2001 is having the unusual effect of both encouraging and discouraging schools’ use of computerized testing.
- Table: State Initiatives
- Sidebar:A Test- Taker’s Perspective
- Chart: Computer vs. Paper Testing
- A Question of Direction: Computer adaptive testing, which adjusts questions’ level of difficulty based on how well a student answers them, is the source of much debate.
- Prepping for the Big Test: Students turn to test- preparation Web sites to help them prepare for high-stakes state assessments and college-entrance exams.
- Chart: Computer- Based Practice
- Spec. Ed. Tech Sparks Ideas Testing tools for children with disabilities, such as digital video cameras and computer text readers, are attracting mainstream attention. Chart: Special Preparations
- The Teacher’s New Test: The use of computerized quizzes and exams for classroom testing is on the rise as teachers look for more efficient ways to evaluate students.
- Chart: Teachers and Technology
- Marketing to the Test: Traditional test publishers and start-up businesses have developed a host of technology-based testing programs in the hope of cornering this new market.
- Essay Grading Goes Digital: Software that evaluates student essays has its share of critics, but some teachers say it has made it easier to add more writing exercises.
- *Overview: Tracking Tech Trends: Student access to the Internet continues to improve, but schools are spending only a small percentage of technology dollars on professional development.
- Access Charts:
- Chart: Internet Access Improving
- Chart: Wiring Schools and Classrooms
- Chart: PDAs and Laptops
- Capacity Charts:
- Chart: Not Highly Qualified
- Chart: Finding Computer Science Teachers
- Chart: School Technology Coordinators
- Use Charts:
- Chart: Playing or Learning?
- Chart: Virtual Instruction
- Chart: Internet Use by Subject
- Access Charts:
- Analyzing the Tech Effect
- Chart: Investing in Technology
- Tables:
- Access to Technology
- Sources and Notes
- Capacity to Use Technology
- Sources and Notes
- Use of Technology
- Sources and Notes
- Map: Individual State Data (Web only) : Click on a state to see data from all three tables.
- Text Index to Individual State Data (Web only)
- Compare State Data (Web only) : Check one or more states to compare data.
- Access to Technology
- Vital Statistics on U.S. Public Schools
- Chart: United States
- Map: State profiles: Snapshots of what each state is doing in the area of computer-based testing, and how the states are using technology to improve schools.
- Text Index to State Profiles
(* Story does not require registration.)