Teaching Video

Teachers, Try This: Improve Student Engagement Through Design

Designing classroom materials to meet the needs of students with learning differences can be beneficial for all students.
By Jaclyn Borowski — April 6, 2023 6:00
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Teachers wear so many hats, including taking on the role of a designer as they create worksheets, presentations, and other classroom materials for students.

According to Lauren Heil, a former teacher turned learning experience designer at FriEd Technology in Colorado, teachers are great at thinking about the mood they’d like to convey in their materials. But one area where there’s room for improvement is in thinking about how their font decisions can impact the user experience of students and with it, the engagement of their class.

Here, Heil explains how teachers should think about font, and how they can incorporate those concepts into their daily design work. She recently launched a new Google Workspace add-on that assists with accessibility and inclusion in classroom materials, learn more about it here.

Jaclyn Borowski is the director of photography and videography for Education Week.


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Laura Baker/Education Week via Canva