To the Editor:
Despite the negative coverage that the Common Core State Standards regularly receive, believe it or not, there are stories of promising practice related to them.
States like Delaware, Kansas, and Kentucky provide real insight on effective implementation of the common core. They demonstrate that when good implementation drives the process, the standards—and the teaching and learning we seek from them—are stronger and have the desired impact. They show the need for real teamwork, where teachers, principals, superintendents, school boards, parents, and community leaders are all committed to ensuring that we get this right.
Learning First Alliance is speaking in a singular voice on the importance of thoughtful implementation, such as what we see in states like Kentucky and Delaware. We must allow those states that are heading in the right direction the time to continue with their plans. We must help those states that are facing very real challenges moving these standards into their districts and schools. And we must do so before requiring a single test be used to take potentially punitive action against districts, schools, teachers, and kids.
We must do everything possible to ensure these standards are implemented effectively and with fidelity. Successful implementation of the standards requires thorough and meaningful implementation.
We need to get it right. And we must give our states, districts, and teachers the time to do it right.
Cheryl Scott Williams
Executive Director
Learning First Alliance
Washington, D.C.