Research to date on the impact of certification from the National Board of Professional Teaching Standards has pretty much missed the point, concludes a report by 10 teachers who’ve earned the credential.
The report, commissioned by the NBPTS and the Center for Teaching Quality, is thought to be the first to examine national certification from teachers’ perspective.
Based on their own experiences and analyses, the educator-authors say that certification from NBPTS provides an “excellent opportunity for teacher growth and development” and could serve as an effective policy basis for “identifying quality teaching and improving professional practice.”
38 Number of states that provide financial incentives for teachers to obtain National Board certification.
10 Number of states that provide financial incentives for National Board-certified teachers to work in targeted schools.
6 Number of states that provide incentives for National Board certification to take on differentiated roles, such as coaches or mentors.
SOURCE: EPE Research Center
However, they charge that the existing, frequently conflicting research studies on the impact of nationally certified teachers have “often been based on limited or misguided thinking about what effective teaching looks like, and their evaluation of student attainment [is] nearly always confined to test scores. …"
More pertinent research on the credential, the report says, would use multiple measures to evaluate student learning and take a broader look at the full “dimensions of effective teaching,” including student engagement and organizational influence.