Sampling of Organizations
3. Louisiana Department of Education • Includes a list of available public schools, fall 2007
5. United Teachers New Orleans
6. New Schools for New Orleans
7. Teach for America: Greater New Orleans
8. TeachNOLA
9. Scott S. Cowen Institute for Public Education Initiatives
10. Algiers Charter School Association
Selected Reports
1. Reading, Writing and Reality Check: An Early Assessment of Student Achievement in Post-Katrina New Orleans, October, 2007, United Teachers of New Orleans, Louisiana Federation of Teachers, and American Federation of Teachers.
2. How Schools Responded to Student Mental Health Needs Following Hurricanes Katrina and Rita, 2007, Lisa H. Jaycox, Terri Tanielian, Priya Sharma, Lindsey K. Morse, Gretchen Clum, Bradley D. Stein, RAND Corporation.
3. State of Public Education in New Orleans, June, 2007, the Boston Consulting Group for the Greater New Orelans Education Foundation, Scott S. Cowen Institute for Public Education Initiatives, and the New Orleans City Council Education Committee.
4. No Experience Nesessary: Inadequate Teacher Recruitment Undermines New Orleans Schools, June 2007, American Federation of Teachers.
5. Katrina’s Children: Social Policy Considerations for Children in Disasters 2007, Joy D. Osofsky, Howard J. Osofsky, and William W. Harris Society for Research in Child Development.
6. ‘National Model’ or Flawed Approach?, Nov. 21, 2007, American Federation of Teachers.
7. K-12 Public Education Reform in New Orleans, Sept. 14, 2006, Warren Simmons, Executive Director, Alethea Frazier Raynor, Principal Associate, Community-Centered Education Reform, Annenberg Institute for School Reform at Brown University.
8. The Future of Public Education in New Orleans, Jan. 30, 2006, Paul T. Hill and Jane Hannaway, Urban Institute.