Image: What Is It?
RSS, short for Really Simple Syndication, enables you to subscribe to content feeds from your favorite sections of Each feed will contain headlines of 15 of the most recent stories published on, as well as a short description of the article and a link to the story.
RSS feeds collect and distribute the articles listed on any pages on where you see the

Why Use It?
RSS is an easy way for you to check when content that interests you has been published on (and many other sites), without having to continually visit each of them. Your RSS news reader will scan multiple times daily (typically hourly), always updating its display to show the most recent content posted to
How Do I Use It?
Setting up an RSS feed differs from one reader to the next, but typically involves clicking on the

icon on the page you want to subscribe to and copying the URL from this feed and pasting it into your reader. Whichever method you choose to view RSS feeds, setting up a reader is an easy, user-friendly process.
Select RSS News Readers |
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To view RSS feeds, you collect all the feeds that interest you in one place, either a web page or software on your computer. You can use one of the increasingly popular and user-friendly web-based readers, such as Google Reader, or My Yahoo. A good list of web-based readers can be viewed here. If you want a more powerful package that works similar to e-mail software, you will need to download RSS reader software. A good list of RSS reader software--also known as aggregators—can be viewed here.
To add the feed to your MyYahoo page, simply click on the

button at the top of the page. For more information about using RSS on My Yahoo, go here.