Education Opinion

Spotlight on Gifted Education

By Tamara Fisher — September 08, 2010 1 min read
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I find it exciting when mainstream education entities (non-gifted-specific ones) take notice of gifted education and gifted students. Frustratingly, it would be easy to argue that these students are among the most neglected, least written about, most misunderstood, least funded, in the broader world of education. That is part of why I was so enthused when asked a few years ago to write this blog for Teacher Magazine, a publication of Education Week. Recognition and acknowledgement of gifted students and their needs by the general education world is cause for mini celebrations among those of us who work with these kids day in and day out because it happens so infrequently - although I do think the pace has picked up in recent years. Today, I’m happy to report that Education Week has just launched a new spotlight on gifted education.

EdWeek’s “Spotlight” series consists of downloadable booklets with a sampling of articles that cover critical issues on each topic. Topics covered previously include Response to Intervention, Common Standards, Parental Involvement, and Autism, among many others. Their most recent edition of the “Spotlight” series is on Gifted Education!

I have previewed the Spotlight on Gifted Education and like that it covers an array of issues in the field, including information on research, anecdotal examples, national and local perspectives, and varying viewpoints. It would make a nice mailbox gift for stakeholders in your school, especially as we are all in the beginning stages of another school year. Yes, it does cost $4.95 to download each Spotlight edition, including this one on Gifted Education, but EdWeek is a business after all. The copyright license, once you’ve paid and downloaded, allows five copies to be printed, which is enough to cover copies for your child’s teacher, principal, and superintendent, plus others. (I’m placing copies in the mailboxes here of our four principals and the superintendent.)

Gifted education topics covered in this edition include challenging programs for the profoundly gifted, twice exceptional, grade skipping, resources, pressure to underperform among gifted black students, debates about the “gifted” label, and funding issues in gifted education (among others). To download your copies, visit this link.

Happy beginning of school, everyone! :o)

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The opinions expressed in Unwrapping the Gifted are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.