During the summer, I will be sharing thematic posts bringing together responses on similar topics from the past nine years. You can see all those collections from the first eight years here.
Here are the ones I’ve posted so far:
This Year’s Most Popular Q&A Posts
School Closures & the Coronavirus Crisis
Best Ways to Begin the School Year
Best Ways to End the School Year
Student Motivation & Social-Emotional Learning
Facing Gender Challenges in Education
Cooperative & Collaborative Learning
Teaching English-Language Learners
Today’s theme is on Science Instruction. You can see the list following this excerpt from one of the posts:

* ‘Challenges, Curiosity, Creativity, & Community’ in the Online Science Classroom
Four science educators share online teaching tips, including having students conduct hands-on experiments at home and maintain scientific notebooks.
* Science Instruction in the Age of the Coronavirus
Four science educators share their experiences adapting to online instruction, including through collaborative learning and the use of online labs.
* Don’t ‘Steal the Aha’ From Science Instruction
Linda Tolladay, Patrick L. Brown, James P. Concannon, Ross Cooper, and John Almarode share their “nominations” for the biggest mistakes made by science teachers.
* Ways to Use Tech in Science Class
Erin Bridges Bird, Peggy Harte, Patrick Brown, James Concannon, Nick Cusumano, and Donna Markey share ways to use ed tech in science classes.
* How to ‘Weave Writing Throughout Science Lessons’
Anne Vilen, Sheila Waggoner, ReLeah Cossett Lent, Jason Wirtz, Amy Benjamin, Jennifer L. Altieri, and Fred Ende contribute their suggestions on incorporating writing into science classes.
* Ways to Integrate Writing Into Science Classes
Mary K. Tedrow, Amy Roediger, Dr. Maria Grant, Diane Lapp,Ed.D., Mandi White, Tara Dale, and Becky Bone share their suggestions for how to integrate writing into science classes.
* ‘The Biggest Challenge to Science Teachers Is Time’
Alfonso Gonzalez, Mike Janatovich, Anne Jolly, and Camie Walker share what they think are the biggest challenges facing science teachers today.
* ‘Give Me Longer Class Periods and More Space,’ Science Teacher Pleads
Anne Vilen, Marsha Ratzel, Charles R. Ault, Jr., and AJ Sisneros contribute their ideas on the biggest challenges faced by science teachers.
* Teaching ELLs That ‘Science Is a Verb’
Maria Grant, Diana Lapp, Judy Reinhartz, Lori Fulton, Brian Campbell, and Laura Cabrera contribute their ideas on using the Next Generation of Science Standards with English-language learners.
* Teaching Science to English-Language Learners
Alicia Johal, Maria Montalvo-Balbed, Donna Barrett-Williams, Caleb Cheung, Laura Prival, Claudio Vargas, and Ariane Huddleston share their suggestions on using the NGSS with English-language learners.
* Response: With 3D Printers, ‘You’re Only Limited by Your Imagination!’
Laura Blankenship, David Malpica, David Thornburg, and Terry Graff have contributed commentaries on the role of 3D printers in the Maker Movement.
* The Maker Movement Can Give Students ‘a Story to Tell’
Tanya Baker from the National Writing Project discusses implications the Maker Movement has for different content areas, National Teacher of the Year Jeff Charbonneau elaborates further on its connection to STEM, and Leslie Texas and Tammy Jones make a connection to project-based learning.
* The Maker Movement Believes in ‘Kid Power’
Sylvia Libow Martinez and Gary S. Stager graciously adapted a portion of their book, Invent To Learn: Making, Tinkering, and Education in the Classroom, into a piece for this blog.
* A Nobel Laureate Writes About Becoming a ‘Science Coach’
Dr. Carl Wieman, winner of the Nobel Prize in Physics in 2001 and well-known for his advocacy of cooperative and engaging methods for teaching science, shares his thoughts.
* Teaching Science by ‘Thinking Big’ and ‘Being Audacious’
Linda Shore, director of the Exploratorium Teacher Institute, and high school science teacher Amy Lindahl offer their responses in this post.
* Teaching Science by “Becoming a Learner”
High school physics teacher Frank Noschese, middle school science teacher Paul Cancellieri, and Steve Spangler, well-known teacher-trainer and creator of science multimedia tools, respond to the question here.
* Teaching Science by Asking Questions
Middle school science teachers Marsha Ratzel and Paul Bruno share their responses in this piece.