To the Editor:
It was with great interest that I read the article “New York and Los Angeles Vow to Shape Up ELL Services” (Oct. 26, 2011). This is an important article. Changes are needed in the education of our foreign-born students in large urban areas such as New York City and Los Angeles, and other large and middle-size school districts around the country. Since the number of English-language learner students is growing, the importance for educational revision is essential.
The article outlines all the pertinent points nicely and mentions the essential facts involved in this undertaking. I have presented a new perspective on teaching English as a second language in my forthcoming book Thinking in English, which will be published this month. The book presents an intelligent and tested method for teaching the millions of ELL students in our schools.
John B. Muciaccia
English Language Tutors, LLC
Hoboken, N.J.