Don’t feel you need to dash from high school straight to college. Don’t assume you need a bachelor’s degree. Don’t listen to the hype about elite, high-priced colleges.
Those are a few of the recommendations from a group that’s been studying college-going for a long time: the Gallup polling organization.
Every year, Gallup conducts surveys on various facets of education, then slices up the research by topic and issue reports. The reports explore issues including parents’ satisfaction with their children’s schools and students’ satisfaction with their college choices.
Earlier this month, Gallup and Strada Education Network reported on what people regret about their college choices. It found those who earned bachelor’s degrees were more likely to regret their chosen field of study than those who earned associate, vocational/technical, or graduate degrees. Those who didn’t earn degrees until they were 30 or older had fewer regrets, too.