Remedial Instruction
Reading & Literacy
What Teachers Say They Need Most to Help Struggling Teen Readers
Educators also want more time in the school day to work on reading skills, a new survey finds.
What Happened When A District Put Struggling Students in Regular Algebra?
In de-tracked classes with specially trained teachers, some struggling students saw their performance accelerate.
3 Ways to Strengthen Math Instruction
Educators offered advice on how teachers can make math seem more relevant and engaging.
Here's What Accelerated Learning Really Looks Like
Accelerated learning lessons should be engaging, not boring, and the content should be challenging, not dumbed down.
Student Achievement
Closing the Learning Gaps: Acceleration for ALL
Struggling to close the achievement gap? Join this webinar for actionable strategies that embrace acceleration for ALL learners!
Schools Prioritize Reading Intervention. But What About Math?
Early intervention can have large positive effects for students down the line, researchers say.
Student Achievement
Quiz Yourself: How Much Do You Know About Strategies for Improved Student Outcomes?
Answer 7 questions about student learning outcomes.
Student Well-Being
How to Ease Students’ Academic Anxieties When Learning Speeds Up
Anxious students need to learn to gradually face their academic fears—not escape them, a researcher says.
What the Research Says
Learning Acceleration: A Resource Guide
See more than two dozen resources on accelerating students' learning from Education Week's new mini-course on that topic.
Tips for Teachers on Grouping and Lesson Pacing for Accelerated Learning
It's all about knowing what students already know and building from there, says one expert.
How to Use Formative Assessment to Accelerate Learning
An assessment expert explains how the technique helps teachers find and address the holes in student learning.
Classroom Technology
Using Tech to Accelerate Learning: One Teacher's Story
A 1st grade teacher in Nebraska discusses how an ed-tech product helps her accelerate learning for her students.
Most Teachers Are Not 'Extremely Confident' They Can Help Students Recover Academically
Teachers appear more confident about their virtual teaching skills than their ability to help students catch up academically, survey shows.
Student Achievement
Two Decades of Progress, Nearly Gone: National Math, Reading Scores Hit Historic Lows
The pandemic has smacked 4th and 8th graders back to the last century in math and reading, according to new national assessments.