Every Student Succeeds Act Video

What ESSA Means for Assessment and Testing

By Mark Bomster & Stephen Sawchuk — June 12, 2019 5:25

The Every Student Succeeds Act gives states new openings to shape student-testing regimes to their own liking, including innovative pilot programs and fresh options on how to meet federal requirements. How do testing provisions under ESSA and the previous federal law—No Child Left Behind—differ? Associate editor Stephen Sawchuk examines what the new law means in the testing arena. This video was filmed following Education Week’s virtual summit on ESSA, where online participants submitted their questions about the upcoming implementation of the new federal law.

Mark W. Bomster was a deputy managing editor overseeing politics, policy, school law, and school finance coverage.
Stephen Sawchuk is an assistant managing editor for Education Week, leading coverage of teaching, learning, and curriculum.
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