To the Editor:
The Federal Communications Commission showed great foresight about the role technology would play in education when, in 1963, it reserved a spectrum band for use by educational institutions and nonprofit entities whose missions are educational.
Voqal, the company I lead, is composed of five organizations that hold EBS licenses. It was founded on the belief that we should seek a democracy comprisedof an educated, empowered, and engaged public. That’s why our company has devoted more than $25 million to benefit underresourced populations across the country through such means as mobile broadband service for schools and nonprofit organizations, grants to support education and improve social policy, and help for fellow educators as they expand the benefits of holding an EBS license.
Voqal welcomes transparency and improved FCC regulation of the EBS, but at the same time hopes that Education Week readers will recognize that we, and other EBS licensees, make extensive educational and social contributions right now, something which was not recognized in the article.
John Schwartz
Boulder, Colo.