School & District Management Video

Responding to Coronavirus: A 3-Minute Guide for Schools

By Mark Lieberman & Brooke Saias — March 6, 2020 2:50

Cases of novel coronavirus--or COVID 19—have begun to impact American schools. A small number of schools and districts in the U.S. have shut down to address concerns about possible exposure to the virus. This 3-minute guide covers 6 steps school leaders need to take if the virus emerges in your community, with important tips on working with public health officials to make decisions about school closures and handling communications with students, families, and staff members.

Mark Lieberman is a reporter for Education Week who covers school finance.
Brooke Saias is a video producer for Education Week, working to tell stories about the impact of education on communities.
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Emma Patti Harris, Deputy Managing Editor, Visual and Immersive Experiences contributed to this video.


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