Assistant Managing Editor Lesli A. Maxwell talks about the growing recognition that social-emotional development for students is essential for their academic success and invites educators to the Social-Emotional Learning in Schools summit on Wednesday, March 20, at 1 p.m. Eastern. In this online forum, Education Week reports and expert guests will host online discussion rooms on a range of topics related to social-emotional learning, including: strategies for schools and districts to integrate SEL into everyday schooling, how principals and teachers can tend to their own social-emotional development and work-life balance, how ed-tech companies are moving into the SEL arena, what research has shown are effective practices for teachers to build empathy and respect with their students, how districts and schools can leverage student voice as a powerful took for building a safe and welcoming school environment and deepen student engagement, and strategies for using flexible federal dollars to support school climate and SEL initiatives. After the discussions, watch reporters and editors provide key takeaways in a series of livestreamed interviews.