Professional Development

New in Print

October 24, 2007 14 min read
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Assessment | Classroom Management | English-Language Learners | Extracurricular | Effective Practice | Leadership | Literacy and Reading | Mathematics | New Teachers | Research | Special Education | Technology

Enhancing Teaching and Learning through Assessment: Deriving an Appropriate Model
By Steve Frankland (Springer,; $279)

A practical guide on the effective use of student assessment in the classroom. Describes how the use of assessment tools and pedagogical design help students deepen their learning.

PD Research: What Works
New Thinking on Staff Development
Report Roundup
Sites to Know
New in Print
Data Snapshots

Formative Classroom Assessment: Theory into Practice
By James H. McMillan (Teachers College Press,; $24.95)

Experts examine what is currently known about formative assessment and its application to teaching. Includes practical applications designed to work within the high-stakes accountability environment.

Classroom Management

Building Classroom Discipline
By Carol M. Charles (Allyn & Bacon,; $60.51)

This book is designed to help teachers develop personal systems of discipline tailored to their individual philosophies and personalities, as well as to the needs of their schools and communities.

Today’s Best Classroom Management Strategies: Paths to Positive Discipline
By Carol M. Charles (Allyn & Bacon,; $35.51)

Presents 10 strategies to help teachers develop and implement high-quality systems of classroom discipline to increase student responsibility and ethical behavior.

English-Language Learners

English-Only Teachers in Mixed-Language Classrooms: A Survival Guide
By Joanne Yatvin (Heinemann,; $15.00)

Written for teachers in grades K-6 with little or no expertise in second-language teaching, this guide is designed to give teachers the basics they need to help nonnative speakers succeed. Addresses teachers’ ten most frequent and most problematic questions and provides new professional development resources.

Implementing the SIOP Model Through Effective Professional Development and Coaching
By Jana Echevarria, Deborah J. Short & MaryEllen Vogt (Allyn & Bacon,; $45.99)

Provides models for using the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol for English language learners. Includes professional development tips and stories from educators in 16 U.S. school districts on their successes and challenges in working with ELL students.


A Guide to Great Field Trips
By Kathleen Carroll (Zephyr Press,; $19.95)

Carroll describes how field trips cultivate learning and responsibility in students. Her guide also includes suggestions for classroom excursions on school property, in the local community, and online.

100 Paid Summer Adventures for Teachers
By Jill Frankfort (Benefit Press,; $19.95)

A compilation of career-enhancing and career-advancing programs, organized by subject, location, eligibility requirements, and duration. Provides alternatives to summer vacations that can help further a teacher’s career.

Effective Practice

Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching,
Second Edition, By Charlotte Danielson (ASCD,, $27.95)

Outlines 22 components for successful teaching practice and professional growth, with tips for both novices and experienced teachers. The new edition includes information on state standards and formative assessments.

How to Be a Brilliant Trainee Teacher
By Trevor Wright (Routledge,, $28.95)

Details a practical strategy to support teachers and guide them toward an understanding of how and why pupils learn, and how students can enhance their own progress.

Improving Student Learning One Teacher at a Time By Jane Pollock (ASCD,, $23.95)

Describes best practices for instruction and shows teachers how making the right adjustments in curriculum, planning and delivery, assessment, and record-keeping and reporting can improve student learning.

Preventing Plagiarism: Tips and Techniques By Laura Hennessey DeSena (National Council of Teachers of English, www.ncte.orga>, $29.95)

Offers advice to teachers on preventing copying and detecting cheaters. The author suggests teachers use creative writing assignments to encourage students to produce original work.

Qualities of Effective Teachers, Second Edition
By James Stronge (ASCD,, $25.95)

Explores teacher characteristics that are most likely to raise student achievement, emphasizing how teachers can alter their own preparation, personality, and practices to encourage student learning. The new edition includes information for teachers who work with at-risk and high-ability students.

The Art and Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Instruction
By Robert J. Marzano (ASCD,, $26.95)

Designed to help teachers sharpen their craft and balance research-based methods with an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the individual students. Includes steps for successful instructional design.

The Power of the Media Specialist to Improve Academic Achievement and Strengthen At-Risk Students
By Jami B.Jones and Alana M. Zambone (Linworth,; $39.95)

This guide focuses on the librarian’s role as a leader in influencing students’ academic achievement and as an integral part of school-improvement teams. Includes research-based methods to address the needs of at-risk students in the library media center.

What Every Middle School Teacher Should Know Second Edition
By Dave F. Brown and Trudy Knowles (Heinemann,, $27.00)

Provides tips for responsive middle school instruction, using research to help teachers develop and design a curriculum for preteens. The second edition includes new research on middle schoolers’ development.


From First-Year to First-Rate: Principals Guiding Beginning Teachers

By Barbara L. Brock and Marilyn L. Grady (Corwin Press,; $24.95


This handbook explains that principals hold the key to the professional development of beginning teachers and guides administrators in developing a first-year induction plan to help teachers succeed.

Instructional Coaching: A Partnership Approach to Improving Instruction
By M. James Knight (Corwin Press,; $35.95)

Describes the skills that instructional coaches need, including getting teachers on board, providing model lessons, observing teachers, and engaging in reflective conversations. Includes first-person stories and further resources.

Leading for Results: Transforming Teaching, Learning, and Relationships in Schools, Second Edition
By Dennis Sparks (NSDC,; $41.25)

In this updated edition featuring 18 essays, Dennis Sparks shows how school leaders can promote change and achieve meaningful results in schools and their personal lives. The book incorporates theories on education, leadership, teaching, and student learning, and explores leadership psychology.

Principals Who Learn: Asking the Right Questions, Seeking the Best Solutions
By Barabara Kohm and Beverly Nance (ASCD,; $29.95)

Encourage principals to step out of their comfort zones and discuss learning with their staff. Gives principals tools to shift from being top-down, authoritarian leaders to becoming open collaborators and continual learners.

Schooling by Design: Mission, Action, and Achievement
By Grant Wiggins & Jay McTighe (ASCD,; $30.95)

The authors promote a cohesive strategy for implementing system-wide school improvement. Includes a description of a three-stage planning process, as well as curriculum frameworks and assessment rubrics.

Successful Schools and Educational Accountability: Concepts and Skills to Meet Leadership Challenges
By Kenneth K. Wong, Anna W. Nicotera, and James W. Guthrie (Allyn & Bacon,; $48.20)

Discusses how the standards and accountability movement has affected teachers and school leaders, and illustrates the movement’s impact on learning. Offers decisionmaking tools and recommendations on professional development in the accountability environment.

Teacher Leadership: Improving Teaching and Learning From Inside the Classroom
By Elaine L. Wilmore (Corwin Press,; $27.95)

Offers a “global perspective” on the role of teachers as school leaders and provides advice for teachers interested in increasing their leadership capacity. Includes discussions of ways to integrate school-reform research with classroom practice.

Uncovering Teacher Leadership: Essays and Voices From the Field
By Richard H. Ackerman and Sarah V. Mackenzie (Corwin Press,; $39.95)

This compilation of essays features stories and lessons from teacher leaders that explore current issues, underlying emotions, and fresh perspectives. It is designed to encourage reflection and discussion.

Literacy and Reading

Comprehension Strategies for Your K-6 Literacy Classroom: Thinking Before, During, and After Reading
By Divonna M. Stebick and Joy M. Dain (Corwin Press,, $27.95)

Illustrates how educators can use comprehension strategies to enhance understanding by teaching students to activate schemas, question, visualize, infer, determine important ideas, and synthesize.

Evidence-Based Instruction in Reading: A Professional Development Guide to Comprehension
By Timothy V. Rasinski and Nancy D. Padak (2007, Allyn & Bacon,; $23.99)

Part of a series of books designed to guide teachers in improving their understanding of key components to reading, this guide offers practical tips and strategies to help improve students’ reading comprehension. Directed to elementary school teachers and literacy specialists.

50 Literacy Strategies for Beginning Teachers, 1-8. Second Edition
By Terry L. Norton and Betty Lou Land (Prentice Hall,; $23.00)

Provides an instructional framework for creating effective literacy lessons, viewing students as active participants in the “construction of meaning.” Includes 50 strategies for major literacy goals, such as word recognition, vocabulary development, and comprehension.


Best Practices for Teaching Mathematics
By Randi Stone (Corwin Press,; $19.95)

This compilation of lessons from award-winning classroom teachers describes mathematics lessons and methods for learning that can be used in all grade levels. Includes strategies for motivating and engaging students.

Exemplary Practices for Secondary Math Teachers
By Alfred S. Posamentier, Daniel Jaye, and Stephen Krulik (ASCD,; $27.95)

Veteran educators share proven solutions to guide new secondary math teachers through the first few months in the classroom and to provide more experienced teachers with alternatives to familiar methods.

Learning to Lead Mathematics Professional Development
By Catherine Carroll & Judith Mumme (Corwin Press,; $199.95)

The multimedia kit focuses on facilitation issues that are likely to be encountered in a variety of mathematics professional development situations. Demonstrates how teachers can manage discussions, collaborate with colleagues, and encourage development.

Out of the Labyrinth: Setting Mathematics Free
By Robert Kaplan and Ellen Kaplan (Oxford University Press, $25)

The founders of the Math Circle, a Boston program employing a playful, puzzle-based approach to teaching mathematics, explain how to make the subject accessible and enjoyable for all students.

New Teachers

First-Year Teacher’s Survival Guide: Ready-to-Use Strategies, Tools and Activities for Meeting the Challenges of Each School Day, Second Edition
By Julia G. Thompson (John Wiley & Sons,; $29.95)

Gives beginning teachers a wide variety of tested strategies, activities, and tools for creating a positive and dynamic learning environment and meeting the challenges of each school day.

Making Your First Year a Success: A Classroom Survival Guide for Middle and High School Teachers
By Robert Lee Wyatt and J. Elaine White (Corwin Press,; $22.95)

Tailored expressly to novice secondary teachers, this book offers advice on integrating technology into classroom activities, connecting lesson planning and standards, incorporating differentiation into the classroom, and dealing with stress.

The Teacher’s Guide to Success
By Ellen L. Kronowitz (Allyn & Bacon,; $32.99)

Designed to help teachers have a successful school year, this guide (including a DVD) is divided into eight topical units that address common concerns in the classroom. It takes teachers from the first to the last day of the school year.

Professional Learning Communities

Professional Learning Communities: Divergence, Depth and Dilemmas
By Louise Stoll and Karen Seashore Louis (Open University Press,; $47.96)

Focuses on the “neglected complexities and challenges” of teacher professional learning teams. Includes research-based discussions on issues surrounding leadership, dialogue, organizational memory, trust, self-assessment and inquiry, and the purpose of learning.

Teacher Teams That Get Results: 61 Strategies for Sustaining and Renewing Professional Learning Communities
By Gayle H. Gregory and Lin Kuzmich (Corwin Press,; $39.95)

Provides practical tools and examples of plans in action to help teacher teams prioritize goals and effectively share ideas.

Team-Based Professional Development: A Process for School Reform
By Judith T. Witmer and Steven A. Melnick (Rowman & Littlefield Education,; $24.95)

Provides an overview of adult-learning issues and their impact on professional development and includes a theoretical foundation for implementing team-based professional development among educators within school districts.

Telling Stories in Book Clubs: Women Teachers and Professional Development
By Mary Kooy (Springer,; $89.95)

Explores the ways women educators understand and make sense of their lives and advance their knowledge of teaching through narrative texts and experiences in informal learning groups.

The Power of Protocols: An Educator’s Guide to Better Practice, Second Edition
By Joseph P. McDonald et al. (Teachers College Press,; $18.95)

Addressed to teachers working in collaborative groups, this book offers descriptions of how educators can use protocols to study together, work on problems of practice, teach well, and explore students’ work. This new edition includes examples of seven new protocols.


Learning and Teaching: Research-Based Methods, Fifth Edition
By Donald P. Kauchak and Paul D. Eggen (Allyn & Bacon,; $95.80)

Offers advice and methods for applying research-based instructional methods in diverse school environments. The discussion is oriented around diversity, motivation, and technology.

Models of Teaching: Connecting Student Learning With Standards
By Jeanine M. Dell’Olio and Tony Donk (Sage Publications,; $74.95)

Provides a theoretical and practical understanding of how to use models of teaching to both meet growing demand for research-based instructional practices and improved student achievement. Includes case studies.

Studying Your Own School: An Educator’s Guide to Practitioner Action Research, Second Edition
By Gary L. Anderson et al. (Corwin Press,; $32.95)

The authors guide educators through the action research process, including examples and discussions of planning and design. This revised edition includes new investigative approaches and reflects current school reform challenges.

Special Education

Brain-Friendly Strategies for the Inclusion Classroom
By Judy Willis ( ASCD,; $25.95)

The author, a neurologist and classroom teacher, demonstrates research-based strategies for providing learning-disabled students with developmentally and academically appropriate challenges.

Demystifying Secondary Inclusion: Powerful School-Wide & Classroom Strategies
By Lisa Dieker (National Professional Resources, Inc.,; $29.95)

Offers practical strategies for inclusion of middle and high school students with mild to moderate disabilities, focusing on school-wide, as well as classroom-based, approaches. Emphasizes the importance of collaborative efforts with students.

The Essential Special Education Guide for the Regular Education Teacher
By Edward Burns (Charles C. Thomas Publisher,; $49.95)

Contains over 100 tips dealing with issues and concerns for mainstream teachers working with students with disabilities, including classroom needs, requirements for referring a child for an individual evaluation, school discipline, classroom-based assessment, IEP meetings, and legal requirements.


Teaching and Learning With Technology, Third Edition
By Judy Lever-Duffy and Jean B. McDonald (Allyn & Bacon,; $92.27)

Offers teachers a pragmatic approach to exploring, evaluating, and effectively integrating a full range of instructional technologies in their classrooms.

Teaching Teachers to Use Technology
By D. LaMont Johnson (Haworth Press,; $26)

Offers numerous strategies for infusing technology into teaching and learning activities. Includes models for professional development, inquiry learning, and online collaboration.

Podcasting for Teachers: Using a New Technology to Revolutionize Teaching and Learning
By Kathleen P. King and Mark Gura (Information Age Publishing, $39.99)

This book introduces and explains podcasting from the perspective of educators, providing insight into the ways that technology can provide solutions to instructional needs.

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A version of this article appeared in the October 25, 2007 edition of Teacher PD Sourcebook as New in Print


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