The study was conducted by Just for the Kids-New York, which is the state affiliate of Just for the Kids, a national nonprofit organization based at the University of Texas at Austin.
Higher-performing middle schools share many of the same practices and attributes, concludes a study of 15 New York state middle schools that serve larger-than-average percentages of poor students.
Researchers compared practices at 10 successful middle schools and those at five average-performing middle schools with similar demographic profiles and funding levels. They found that the better-performing schools stressed teamwork, collaboration, and common educational goals. Educators at those schools also worked to give students a sense of social and emotional well-being and routinely gathered and analyzed data to help them make decisions about programs and instructional practices.
The study was conducted by Just for the Kids-New York, which is the state affiliate of Just for the Kids, a national nonprofit organization based at the University of Texas at Austin.