January/February 2004—Tools of the Trade: Professional Development Issue
Teacher Magazine is now on its summer publishing schedule. The next issue will be printed in August, just in time for the new school year.
In the meantime, catch up with Teacher stories you may have missed, or re-read those you particularly enjoyed. This retrospect compiles highlights from our 2003-2004 publishing year.
Also, Teacher will continue to publish its biweekly online “WebWatch” column throughout the summer, offering a pointed look at the biggest—and occassionally the weirdest—education stories from around the Web.
(Read the latest column ...)
August/September 2003—A Man of His Own Words
- A Really Great Gig
Brendan Halpin’s 10-year career in teaching has offered plenty of fodder for his new warts-and-all memoir. But despite the grind, the Boston teacher is sticking with the job.
- Cold Comfort
Last year, Ben Seymour landed his first teaching job on the remote Alaskan island of Little Diomede. Despite sparse living conditions, subzero temperatures, and polar bears, he’s happy to stay.
See also: Contributing writer Sean Cavanagh recounts highlights from his expedition to Little Diomede.
(audio file)
October 2004—Flower Power
- What’s So Funny ‘Bout Peace,
Love, and Understanding?
Pacifist teacher Colman McCarthy doesn’t vote, give out grades, or tell students what to think. Instead, he makes them question the answers.
- A Notion at Risk
Returning to his alma mater, an education reporter finds federal recommendations don’t always mesh with life experience.
See also: Read the transcript from Teacher‘s live online chat with Peace Educator Colman McCarthy.
November/December 2003—Reconcilable Differences
- Reconcilable Differences
Frustrated by decades of strife and separation, Protestant and Catholic parents in Northern Ireland found a different path to peace by starting a new school open to all.
- Interview: Bitter Pills
An experienced mother of a former teen drug addict writes on America’s teenage drug epidemic.
See also: Read the transcript from Teacher‘s live online chat with award-winning journalist and author Meredith Maran.
January/February 2004—Tools of the Trade: Professional Development Issue
- Responsible Party
By day, Caitlin Heidemann is a typical 17-year-old high school senior. By night, she’s a school board member with full voting rights on issues ranging from curricula to teachers’ salaries.
- Point Guard
With a clipboard at this side, Harlem chemistry teacher Timothy Hearn metes out merits and demerits as part of a behavior system that keeps his students on task.
March/April 2004—Back to School?
- Grace Under Pressure
Her 1991 Teenage Liberation Handbook encouraged kids to leave school, but Grace Llewellyn has not yet given up on the mainstream.
- A Special Case
The No Child Left Behind Act requires students with disabilities to meet the same standards as their peers. Many teachers wonder if it’s possible.
May/June 2003—Urban Renewal
- A Dream Deferred
In the rural South Carolina county where Brown v. Board had its roots more than a half-century ago, segregation continues.
- Free for All
Summerhill, the student-centered boarding school that inspired education reformers in the 1960s is very much alive. But is it still relevant?