I’ve already highlighted Title I’s big boost under the fiscal 2008 bill. But two other programs in or related to NCLB also got dramatic increases.
The school improvement program under NCLB will receive $491 million in 2008, up from $125 million in 2007. Although on the books since 2002, Congress didn’t put any money into the fund until last year. Now states will have some money to turn around their lowest-performing schools. If you want to see which states received shares of the 2007 money, see the Department of Education’s announcement that came out earlier this week.
States also will benefit from Congress’ expanded investment in data. Spending on the statewide data program will almost double, going up to $48.3 million. With data upgrades on the way, maybe additional states will qualify to use growth models for NCLB accountability. For some states, though, it’ll take more than one year to have everything in place. Here is a description of the program.
HOLIDAY NOTE: This is my last entry until 2008. One of my colleagues may post an item or two next week, but not me. I’m departing soon on a tour of the Midwest to be with family for the holidays. Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to all.