To the Editor:
The article entitled “Coronavirus Prompting E-Learning Strategies” (March 4, 2020) was very interesting and informative. My daughter is a teacher, and I am fascinated by the technology that is used today in schools. Unfortunately, something was not correct.
The article said, “When Hurricane Katrina battered New Orleans in 2005, Louisiana Virtual School expanded its capacity to welcome students who weren’t previously enrolled.” For nearly 15 years, reporters in the media say that New Orleans was battered by Hurricane Katrina. Katrina did not hit New Orleans, but farther away.
What “battered” New Orleans in 2005 was a horrific flood caused by levee breaches due to faulty construction. I know firsthand because my family and I lost our home and business in that flood. I am asking you and your publication—for the sake of the thousands who perished and the hundreds of thousands of New Orleans residents whose lives would be turned upside down for years to come—to join the many who wish to have these myths dispelled, not perpetuated.
Susan Levin
Independent Senior Caregiver
Metairie, La.