The article about David Pitone [“Law and Order,” May/June] illustrates a problem that exists nationwide in almost every school. Administrators aren’t doing or can’t do their job of keeping order and discipline in school. They either run off to meetings or, if in the building, only “talk” to students about misbehavior and send them back to you. I have taught for 30 years and see no improvement in the way administrators behave. A lot of education time is being wasted by teachers doing their own police work instead of teaching. And it is getting worse in rural, small-town, and city schools because fewer and fewer parents support or care to support teachers in the education of their children.
Lyman Sibbett
Cowley, Wyoming
I have to thank you for some great lunch-time entertainment. We read David Pitone’s interview out loud in the teachers’ lounge. It was absolutely hysterical! We about fell off our chairs when he said he asked the assistant principal if he could “go home for the rest of the day.” In his two and a half days as a “teacher,” Mr. Pitone realized what real educators already know: Teaching is a demanding profession that takes great skill. It is sad that Mr. Pitone did not try to work out his classroom management issues but instead jumped right into litigation. I wonder if Mr. Pitone will give the legal system more than two and a half days to hear his case.
Mr. Pitone stated that “the students that are the most difficult, who make it hard for everyone, you get rid of them.” Maybe Mr. Pitone should have a heart-to-heart with President Bush about the meaning of No Child Left Behind. I am thankful that the teachers in my school don’t have Mr. Pitone’s attitude. They understand that they are here for each child—especially the difficult ones.
Molly Burger
Middleton, Idaho