To the Editor:
Far too often polarizing issues become the focus of media attention, and less contentious approaches to reform get overlooked. Such is the case in your article “Panel: U.S. Should Create National Standards, Spend Billions More on Pre-K-12 Schooling,” (Web only, Aug. 23, 2005), which ignores the call in the report from the Center for American Progress and the Institute for America’s Future for state and federal support in the establishment of more community schools.
Community schools are deliberate partnerships between schools and an array of community organizations and institutions, through which the community shares the responsibility for ensuring that young people have the necessary supports and opportunities to succeed. According to Roger Wilkins, the task force co-chair and a George Mason University professor, community schools are one of the most compelling approaches for helping every student succeed.
Community schools are showing what is possible when communities—not just our schools—take on the responsibility of educating all our children.
Martin J. Blank
Staff Director
Amy C. Bert
Research Associate
Coalition for Community Schools
Institute for Educational Leadership
Washington, D.C.