The Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington has released a second edition of its book, Guiding Principles for Dual Language Education. The 124-page text provides a framework developed for New Mexico dual-language programs and adapted by a national panel of experts. The principles, categorized into 7 strands, reflect academic standards and requirements under No Child Left Behind, as well as research findings.
“By helping English language learners and native English speakers achieve high standards in English and another language, dual language programs can be an effective tool for schools and districts seeking to achieve NCLB goals,” the authors write in the introduction.
The guide is written by CAL’s Elizabeth R. Howard, Julie Sugarman, and Donna Christian, Kathryn J. Lindholm-Leary of San José State University, and David Rogers of Dual Language Education of New Mexico. The principles are meant to apply to developmental bilingual programs for English learners, two-way immersion programs, and foreign language immersion programs.