

March 27, 2002 40 min read
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April 2002 | May 2002


8--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Charleston, W.Va., and Melbourne, Fla. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

8-11--Curriculum management: Maximizing Student Achievement Through Systems Factors: Governance, Leadership, and Support Services, sponsored by Phi Delta Kappa International, for all educators, in San Francisco. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: PDKI, PO Box 789, Bloomington, IN 47402-0789; (812) 339-1156 or (800) 766-1156; fax: (812) 339-0018; e-mail:; Web site:

8-12--Learning disabilities: 20th Annual Conference: Unlocking Learning Potential, sponsored by the Learning Disabilities Network, for educators, school leaders, clinicians, and parents, at the Lantana in Randolph, Mass. Contact: LDN, 72 Sharp St., Hingham, MA 02043; (781) 340-5605; fax: (781) 340-5603; e-mail:; Web site:

9-13--Physical education: National Convention, sponsored by the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, for health and physical education professionals, in San Diego. Contact: AAHPERD, (800) 213-7193, ext. 401; Web site:

9--Reading: Word Identification, sponsored by the Churchill Center, for educators, at the center in New York City. Contact: Susan Spero, CC, 310 E. 30th St., New York, NY 10016; (212) 722-0610; e-mail:

9-13--English: Conference, sponsored by Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages, for English-language teachers, in Salt Lake City. Contact: TESOL, 700 S. Washington St., Suite 200, Alexandria, VA 22314; (703) 836-0774; fax: (703) 836-7864; e-mail:

9--College fair: Online College Fair for Junior Jump-Start Students, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for students, teachers, and parents, at Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site:

9--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Kissimmee, Fla., and Tallahassee, Fla. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

10--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Ann Arbor, Mich.; Birmingham, Ala.; Blacksburg, Va.; Cleveland, Tenn.; Lakeland, Fla.; and Lancaster, Pa. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

10-12--Professional development: A Framework for Teaching: The Observation and Evaluation Process, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for K- 12 educators and administrators, in Minneapolis. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax: (703) 575-5400; e-mail:; Web site:

10-12--Teaching: Teaching for Deep Understanding, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for K-12 educators and administrators, in Minneapolis. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311- 1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax: (703) 575-5400; e-mail:; Web site:

10-13--Leadership: Reaching and Teaching: Good Schools Getting Better, sponsored by the Golden Hills School Division and Alberta Regional Consortia, for teachers, administrators, staff, trustees, and parents, in Calgary, Alberta. Contact: TW Branun and Associates, (800) 531-0082; fax: (866) 465-2325; Web site: www.

**10--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Ann Arbor, Mich.; Birmingham, Ala.; Blacksburg, Va.; Cleveland, Tenn.; Lakeland, Fla.; and Lancaster, Pa. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

**10-13--Leadership: Reaching and Teaching: Good Schools Getting Better, sponsored by the Golden Hills School Division and Alberta Regional Consortia, for teachers, administrators, staff, trustees, and parents, in Calgary, Alberta. Contact: TW Branun and Associates, (800) 531-0082; fax: (866) 465-2325; Web site: www.

11--Senior year: Graduation by Exhibition, sponsored by the Parker Regional Teachers Center, for educators, at the center in Devens, Mass. Contact: PRTC, PO Box 2129, Devens, MA 01432; (978) 772-2687; Web site:

11-13--English: The Art of Writing Centers, sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English, for English teachers, in Savannah, Ga. Contact: Donna Sewell, (229) 333-5946; fax: (229) 259-5529; e-mail:

11--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Albany, Ga.; St. Louis; and Toledo, Ohio. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

11-12--Gifted education: Education for Gifted Students: Focus on the Future, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for K-12 educators and administrators, in Minneapolis. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax: (703) 575- 5400; e-mail:; Web site:

11-12--School improvement: Focusing on Student Performance-Creating Research-Based Schoolwide Action Plans for Increasing Student Achievement, sponsored by the National Study of School Evaluation, for principals, teachers, and administrators, at the NSSE headquarters in Schaumburg, Ill. Deadline: 15 days before event. Contact: Sharon Steindam, NSSE, 1699 E. Woodfield Road, Suite 406, Schaumburg, IL 60173; (847) 995-9080 or (800) 843-6773; fax: (847) 995-9088; e-mail:; Web site:

11-12--Technology: Software Training Workshop for Data Point, sponsored by the National Study of School Evaluation, for teachers and administrators, at the NSSE headquarters in Schaumburg, Ill. Deadline: 15 days before event. Contact: Sharon Steindam, NSSE, 1699 E. Woodfield Road, Suite 406, Schaumburg, IL 60173; (847) 995-9080 or (800) 843-6773; fax: (847) 995-9088; e-mail:; Web site:

**11--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Rome, Ga. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

**11--Senior year: Graduation by Exhibition, sponsored by the Parker Regional Teachers Center, for educators, at the center in Devens, Mass. Contact: PRTC, PO Box 2129, Devens, MA 01432; (978) 772-2687; Web site:

**11-12--Technology: Software Training Workshop for Data Point, sponsored by the National Study of School Evaluation, for teachers and administrators, at the NSSE headquarters in Schaumburg, Ill. Deadline: 15 days before event. Contact: Sharon Steindam, NSSE, 1699 E. Woodfield Road, Suite 406, Schaumburg, IL 60173; (847) 995-9080 or (800) 843-6773; fax: (847) 995-9088; e-mail:; Web site:

**11-13--English: The Art of Writing Centers, sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English, for English teachers, in Savannah, Ga. Contact: Donna Sewell, (229) 333-5946; fax: (229) 259-5529; e-mail:

12--Counselors: Counselor Workshop for New Counselors, sponsored by the College Board, for new college counselors, at Monroe Community College in Rochester, N.Y. Contact: Stephen DiPietro, CB, 3440 Market St., Suite 410, Philadelphia, PA 19104; (215) 387-7600, ext. 124; fax: (215) 387-5805; e-mail:; Web site:

12--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Jefferson City, Mo. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

**12--Counselors: Counselor Workshop for New Counselors, sponsored by the College Board, for new college counselors, at Monroe Community College in Rochester, N.Y. Contact: Stephen DiPietro, CB, 3440 Market St., Suite 410, Philadelphia, PA 19104; (215) 387-7600, ext. 124; fax: (215) 387-5805; e-mail:; Web site:

**12--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Jefferson City, Mo. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

14-17--Federal programs: Annual Spring Conference, sponsored by the National Association of Federal Education Program Administrators, for federal project coordinators, at the Key Bridge Marriott in Arlington, Va. Contact: Penny Soule, Vice President, NAFEPA, (702) 799-5406; e-mail:

14--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for high school students and their parents, at the Cleveland State University Convocation Center in Cleveland. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site:

14-16--Alternative education: Alternative Education Conference: Effective Strategies Institute on Alternative Schools, sponsored by the National Dropout Prevention Center/Network, for teachers, counselors, district staff, social service agencies, juvenile-justice professionals, and government leaders, at the Des Moines Marriott in Des Moines, Iowa. Contact: NDPC/N, 209 Martin St., Clemson, SC 29631-1555; (864) 656-2599; fax: (864) 656-0136; e-mail:; Web site:

15--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Baltimore; Louisville, Ky.; and Winston-Salem, N.C. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

15-16--Character education: Developing Character in the Classroom, sponsored by the Hyde School, for teachers and administrators, at the school in Woodstock, Conn. Contact: Reg Ruhlin, HS, 616 High St., Bath, ME 04530; (207) 443-7311; fax: (207) 443-8631; e-mail:; Web site:

15-16--Public policy: 2002 Public Policy Conference, sponsored by the Alliance for Children and Families, for educators, at the Hyatt Regency in Bethesda, Md. Contact: ACF, 1701 K St. N.W., Suite 200, Washington, DC 20006; (800) 220-1016; fax: (202) 331-7476; e-mail:; Web site:

**15--Special education: Online Seminar: Special Education Referrals: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse and Economically Disadvantaged Populations, sponsored by the Council for Exceptional Children, for educators, policymakers, and counselors, at Contact: CEC, 1110 N. Glebe Road, Suite 300, Arlington, VA 22201-5704; (800) 224-6830, ext. 516; fax: (703) 620-2521; Web site:

16-17--Character education: Classrooms With Character, sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, for educators and teaching aides, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact: NRTC, 14100 Crawford St., Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545- 5771, ext. 65; Web site:

16--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Arlington, Va.; Arlington Heights, Ill.; Charlotte, N.C.; Columbus, Ind.; and Sharonville, Ohio. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

16--Parental involvement: Nervous, Worried, Scared?: Parents’ Guide to Helping Children Deal With Their Fears, sponsored by the Churchill Center, for educators, at the center in New York City. Contact: Susan Spero, CC, 310 E. 30th St., New York, NY 10016; (212) 722-0610; e-mail:

16--Principals: Principals’ Academy, The Principal, Politics, and the Community, sponsored by the Greater Cleveland Educational Development Center, for K-12 principals, at Cleveland State University, in Cleveland. Contact: Barbara Jenkins, GCEDC, RT 901, CSU, 1860 E. 22nd St., Cleveland, OH 44114-4435; (216) 523-7107; fax: (216) 687-5422; e-mail:; Web site:

16--Principals: Raking Leaves in a High Wind: Building Community Connectedness, sponsored by the National Association of Elementary School Principals, for elementary and middle school principals and assistant principals, at the Radisson Hotel in Birmingham, Ala. Contact: NAESP, 1615 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314-3483; (703) 684-3345, ext. 208; fax: (703) 518-6281; e-mail:; Web site:

16--Professional development: Satellite Town Meeting With Rod Paige, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, for K-12 educators, to be broadcast on national television. Contact: USDE, (800) 872-5327; e-mail:; Web site:

**16--Parental involvement: Workshop for Parents With Adopted Children With LD/ADHD, sponsored by the Lab School of Washington, for educators and parents, at the school in Washington. Contact: LSW, 4759 Reservoir Road N.W., Washington, DC 20007; (202) 944-3083; fax: (202) 965-5106; e-mail:

17--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Wilmington, N.C. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

17--Principals: Raking Leaves in a High Wind: Building Community Connectedness, sponsored by the National Association of Elementary School Principals, for elementary and middle school principals and assistant principals, at the Montgomery Civic Center in Montgomery, Ala. Contact: NAESP, 1615 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314-3483; (703) 684-3345, ext. 208; fax: (703) 518-6281; e- mail:; Web site:

17--Professional development: Assessing Professional Development, sponsored by the Illinois Mathematics and Science Academy, for educators, professional-development coordinators, and curriculum leaders, at the academy in Aurora, Ill. Deadline: April 3. Contact: Guy Todnem, IMSA, 1500 W. Sullivan Road, Aurora, IL 60506- 1000; (630) 907-5970; fax: (630) 907-5918; e-mail:; Web site:

17-20--Poetry: Annual conference, sponsored by the National Association for Poetry Therapy, for counselors and creative-writing faculty, at the Hyatt Regency in Denver. Contact: Angela Comfort, NAPT, 5505 Connecticut Ave. N.W., Suite 280, Washington, DC 20015; (202) 966-2536; fax: (202) 966-2283; e-mail:; Web site:

17-20--Professional development: Peter Senge in Schools That Learn, sponsored by the Peel District School Board, for teachers, administrators, parents, and community leaders, in Toronto. Contact: TW Branun and Associates, (800) 531-0082; fax: (866) 465- 2325; Web site:< /a>.

**17--Early-childhood education: Workshop for Preschool Teachers Working With Students at Risk for Learning Disabilities, sponsored by the Lab School of Washington, for educators, at the school in Washington. Contact: LSW, 4759 Reservoir Road N.W., Washington, DC 20007; (202) 944-3083; fax: (202) 965-5106; e-mail:

**17-20--Principals: Leading Schools to Improve Learning for All Students: 19th Annual Conversation, sponsored by the International Network of Principals’ Centers of Harvard University, for K-12 principals, principal educators, and principals’ center leaders, at the Principals’ Center of Georgia State University in Atlanta. Contact: Cindy Teston, (706) 867-2849; Web site:

18--English: Infusing Poetry Into Successful Teaching Practice, sponsored by the English Language Arts Council/United Federation of Teachers, for English teachers, in New York City. Contact: Vita Rosenberg, (212) 598-9298; fax: (212) 533-5402; e-mail:

18-20--Science: Focus on Standards for Science and Mathematics, sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, for educators, in New York City. Contact: Project 2061, AAAS, 1333 H St. N.W., Room 844, Washington, DC 20005; (888) 737-2061; Web site:

18--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for high school students and their parents, at the Jacob K. Javits Convention Center in New York City. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site:

18--History: Electronic Field Trip: Taxes, Tea, and Tyranny, sponsored by the Colonial Williamsburg Foundation, for grade 4-8 students and teachers, to be broadcast on national television. Contact: Russ Glissman, CWF, PO Box 1776, Williamsburg, VA 23187; (757) 565-8976; (757) 565-8916; e-mail:; Web site:

18--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Anderson, Ind.; Gulfport, Miss.; Richmond, Va.; and Stillwater, Okla. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

18-19--Principals: Don’t Laugh at Me: Creating a Ridicule-Free Zone in Every School, sponsored by the National Association of Elementary School Principals, for elementary and middle school principals and assistant principals, at Dover Downs in Dover, Del. Contact: NAESP, 1615 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314-3483; (703) 684-3345, ext. 208; fax: (703) 518-6281; e-mail:; Web site:

18-21--Foreign language: Teaching in Changing Times: The Courage to Lead, sponsored by the Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages, for foreign-language teachers, at the Hilton in New York City. Contact: Susan Cavenagh, NCTFL, PO Box 1773, Carlisle, PA 17013; (717) 245-1977; fax: (717) 245-1976; e-mail:; Web site:

19--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Hattiesburg, Miss.; Las Vegas; and Portland, Maine. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

19--Principals: Leading Quality Learning Communities, sponsored by the National Association of Elementary School Principals, for elementary and middle school principals and assistant principals, at the OAESA Conference Center in Columbus, Ohio. Contact: NAESP, 1615 Duke St., Alexandria, VA 22314-3483; (703) 684-3345, ext. 208; fax: (703) 549-5568; e-mail:; Web site:

19-21--Mathematics: Annual Conference: Seize the Opportunity, Provide the Leadership, sponsored by the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics, for leaders in mathematics education, at the Venetian in Las Vegas. Deadline: March 15. Contact: NCSM, PO Box 10667, Golden, CO 80401; (404) 274-5932; fax: (404) 274- 5932; e-mail:; Web site:

20--Montessori education: 2001-02 Teachers’ Section Annual Touring Symposium, sponsored by the American Montessori Society, for Montessori educators, in Phoenix. Contact: Evelyn Jackson, AMS, (212) 358-1250, ext. 201; e-mail:

21--Reading: The Writing Road to Reading: A Comprehensive Introduction, sponsored by the Reading Reform Foundation of New York, for educators, at the foundation in New York City. Contact: RRF, 333 W. 57th St., Suite 1L, New York, NY 10019; (212) 307-7320; fax: (212) 307-0449; e-mail:; Web site:

21-23--Professional development: 2002 Spring Conference, sponsored by the National Association of Federally Impacted Schools, for public school superintendents, business managers, and school officials, at the Hyatt Regency Capitol Hill in Washington. Deadline: April 2. Contact: Lynn Watkins, NAFIS, 444 N. Capitol St. N.W., Hall of States, Suite 419, Washington, DC 20001; (202) 624-5455; fax: (202) 624-5468.

21-24--Mathematics: 80th Annual Meeting: Realizing the Vision of School Mathematics, sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, for mathematicsteachers and educators, at the Sands Expo, the Venetian, and Harrah’s in Las Vegas. Contact: NCTM, 1906 Association Drive, Reston, VA 20191, (703) 620-9840; fax: (800) 220-8483; Web site:

22--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Norwood, Mass., and San Antonio. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

22-24--Professional development: Understanding by Design: Teaching and Assessing for Understanding, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for K- 12 educators and administrators, in New York City. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax: (703) 575-5400; e-mail:; Web site:

23--Learning disabilities: Interpreting Evaluations for Classroom and Remedial Use, sponsored by the Churchill Center, for educators, at the center in New York City. Contact: Susan Spero, CC, 310 E. 30th St., New York, NY 10016; (212) 722-0610; e-mail:

23--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Monroe, La. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

23-24--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for high school students and their parents, at the Maryland Agricultural Center in Gaithersburg, Md. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site:

23-24--Developmental education: Organizing Schools Using Brain Research, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for K-12 educators and administrators, in New York City. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax: (703) 575- 5400; e-mail:; Web site:

23-24--Diversity: Instructional Strategies for Academically Diverse Learners: A Look at Differentiated Instruction, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for K-12 educators and administrators, in New York City. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax: (703) 575-5400; e-mail:; Web site:

23-25--Early childhood: Annual La Semana del Niño Early-Childhood Educators Institute, sponsored by the Intercultural Development Research Association, for educators, administrators, and parents, in San Antonio. Deadline: April 15. Contact: José Rodriguez or Carol Chavez, IDRA, 5835 Callaghan Road, Suite 350, San Antonio, TX 78228-1190; (210) 444-1710; fax: (210) 444-1714; e-mail:; Web site:

24--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for high school students and their parents, at the Novi Expo Center in Novi, Mich. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site:

24--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Decatur, Ala., and Malvern, Pa. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

24-26--Data: Seize the Data! Maximizing the Role of Data in School Improvement Planning, sponsored by the National Study of School Evaluation, for principals, teachers, administrators, and superintendents, at the NSSE headquarters in Schaumburg, Ill. Deadline: 15 days before event. Contact: NSSE, 1699 E. Woodfield Road, Suite 406, Schaumburg, IL 60173; (847) 995-9080 or (800) 843- 6773; fax: (847) 995-9088; e-mail:; Web site:

24-27--Middle schools: Annual Middle Years Conference: Inspiration to Implementation, sponsored by the Middle Years Association of British Columbia, for teachers, administrators, and parents, at the University of Victoria in Victoria, British Columbia. Contact: TW Branun and Associates, (800) 531-0082; fax: (866) 465- 2325; Web site:< /a>.

25--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Billings, Mont.; Houston; Irving, Texas; Norcross, Ga.; Orangeburg, N.Y.; and San Diego. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

25--Special education: Inclusive Schools Conference, Restructuring for Caring and Effective Education: The Inclusive Schools, sponsored by the Northeast Ohio Special Education Regional Resource Centers, for educators, at Cleveland State University in Cleveland. Contact: Northeast Regional Professional Development Centers, RT 901, 1860 E. 22nd St., Cleveland, OH 44114-4435; (216) 523-7107; fax: (216) 687-5422; e-mail:; Web site:

25-26--Multiple intelligences: Multiple Intelligences Institute, sponsored by the New City School, for teachers, administrators, and curriculum specialists, at the school in St. Louis. Contact: M. Patricia Nuernberger, New City School, 5209 Waterman Ave., St. Louis, MO 63108-1155; (314) 361-6411; fax: (314) 361-1499; e-mail:; Web site:

25-27--Principals: Proficiencies for Principals Workshops: Political and Communication Skills, sponsored by the National Association of Elementary School Principals, for elementary and middle school principals, at the headquarters of the Cooperative Council of Oklahoma School Administrators in Oklahoma City. Contact: Sandy Wisely, Associate Executive Director, CCOSA; (405) 524-1191.

25-28--Montessori education: Clearing the Cobwebs: Rediscovering the Treasures of a Montessori Education, sponsored by the American Montessori Society, for Montessori school educators, at the Hyatt Regency Crystal City in Arlington, Va. Contact: Hilary Green, AMS, 281 Park Ave. S., New York, NY 10010; (212) 358-1250; Web site:

26-27--English: Finding Our Voices, sponsored by the Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English Language Arts, for English teachers, in Appleton, Wis. Contact: Debbie Kinder, (608) 342-1920; e-mail:

26--African-American education: Education Policy Forum and Annual Awards Dinner, sponsored by the National Commission for African-American Education, for educators and parents, at Howard University in Washington. Contact: Claude Mayberry, NCAAE, 2141 Industrial Parkway, Suite 202, Silver Spring, MD 20904; (301) 680-0148; fax: (301) 680-9240.

26-27--English: Spring Conference 2002, sponsored by the Minnesota Council of Teachers of English, for English Teachers, in St. Cloud, Minn. Contact: Gerry Lidstrom; e-mail:

26--Counselors: Counseling the ADD/ADHD/LD Student workshop, sponsored by the College Board, for guidance counselors, at Mercer County Community College in Trenton, N.J. Contact: Stephen DiPietro, CB, 3440 Market St., Suite 410, Philadelphia, PA 19104; (215) 387-7600, ext. 124; fax: (215) 387-5805; e-mail:; Web site:

26--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Bakersfield, Calif.; Bozeman, Mont.; Corpus Christi, Texas; and Middletown, N.Y. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

26-27--Parental involvement: Family Festival: Bright Futures, sponsored by the Practical Parenting Partnerships Center, for teachers, administrators, counselors, social workers, parents, and students, at the Tan Tar A Resort in Osage Beach, Mo. Contact: Darlene Robinett, Director, PPPC, 2412C Hyde Park, Jefferson City, MO 65109; (573) 761-7770; fax: (573) 761-7760; e-mail:; Web site:

26-28--Parental involvement: International Conference: Born to Learn, sponsored by the Parents as Teachers National Center, for early-childhood educators, parent educators, child-care providers, health-care professionals, social workers, and other professionals who work with young children, at the Adams Mark Hotel in St. Louis. Contact: PATNC, 10176 Corporate Square Drive, Suite 230, St. Louis, MO 63132; (314) 432-4330; fax: (314) 432-8963; e-mail:; Web site:

27-1--Vocational education: Spring Conference, sponsored by the National Association of State Directors of Vocational Technical Education Consortium, for educators, at the Radisson Barceló Hotel in Washington. Deadline: April 8. Contact: Angela King, NASDVTEC;

28-2--Reading: 47th Annual Convention: Gateway to Global Understanding, sponsored by the International Reading Association, for educators, at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. Contact: IRA, 800 Barksdale Road, Newark, DE 19714-8139; (302) 731-1600; fax: (302) 731-1057; Web site:

28--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for high school students and their parents, at the Nashville Convention Center in Nashville, Tenn. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site:

28-30--Leadership: Courageous Leadership for School Success 2002: Best Practices for Enhancing Student Achievement and School Climate, sponsored by the HOPE Foundation, for superintendents, assistant superintendents, staff developers, curriculum and instructional staff, principals, and team leaders, at the Holiday Inn Select in Chicago. Contact: Kristina Anderson, 3925 Hagan St., Suite 105, Box 906, Bloomington, IN 57502; (812) 355-6000; fax: (812) 323- 8140; e-mail:; Web site:

28-2--Magnet schools: 20th International Conference on Magnet Schools, sponsored by Magnet Schools of America, for administrators, teachers, and parents in magnet schools, at the Greenspoint Wyndham Hotel in Houston. Contact: Tim Salmon, MSA, (281) 985-6416; fax: (281) 985-6548; e-mail:; Web site:

29--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for high school students and their parents, at the San Diego Convention Center in San Diego. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site:

29--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Flint, Mich.; Fresno, Calif.; Gainesville, Fla.; and Metairie, La. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

29-30--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for high school students and their parents, at the World Trade Center Boston in Boston. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site:

29-30--Professional development: Understanding by Design: Conference on Curriculum Design, sponsored by Relearning by Design, for educators interested in the materials and curricular design of the Understanding by Design program, in Philadelphia. Contact: Carol Wander, Project Manager, RBD, 65 S. Main St., Building B/PO 2-10, Pennington, NJ 08534-2821; (609) 730-1199; fax: (800) 329-3122; e-mail:; Web site:

29-2--Disabilities: Making a Difference in Developmental Disabilities, sponsored by the YAI/National Institute for People With Disabilities, for educators, at the Crowne Plaza Manhattan Hotel in New York City. Contact: Abbe Wittenberg, YAI/NIPD, (212) 273-6193; e-mail:; Web site:

30--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for high school students and their parents, at the Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site:

30--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Detroit; Lafayette, La.; Sacramento, Calif.; and St. Augustine, Fla.. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

30-1--Safety: Safe and Effective Secondary Schools, sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, for teachers, administrators, and support staff, school resource officers, and counselors, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact: NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; e-mail:


1--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Berkeley, Calif.; Newport News, Va.; Philadelphia; and Rockford, Ill. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

1-2--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for high school students and their parents, at the New Jersey Convention and Exposition Center in Edison, N.J., and the Ontario Convention Center in Ontario, Calif. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site:

1-3--Data: Seize the Data! Maximizing the Role of Data in School Improvement Planning, sponsored by the National Study of School Evaluation, for principals, teachers, district administrators, and superintendents, at the NSSE headquarters in Schaumburg, Ill. Contact: Sharon Steindam, NSSE, 1699 E. Woodfield Road, Suite 406, Schaumburg, IL 60173; (847) 995-9080 or (800) 843- 6773; fax: (847) 995-9088; e-mail:; Web site:

2--Aesthetic realism: Teaching Method: Anger Changes to Respect for Knowledge and People!, sponsored by the Aesthetic Realism Foundation, for teachers, administrators, and all school-based personnel, at the foundation in New York City. Contact: Lois Mason, ARF, 141 Greene St., New York, NY 10012; (212) 777-4426; Web site:

2-4--Science: Using “Atlas of Science Literacy,” sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, for educators, in Chicago. Contact: Project 2061, AAAS, 1333 H St. N.W., Room 844, Washington, DC 20005; (888) 737- 2061; Web site:

2--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Concord, N.H.; Muskogee, Okla.; Newark, Del.; and Secaucus, N.J. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

2-3--High schools: Rethinking High Schools: The Future Is Now, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for K-12 educators and administrators, in Albuquerque, N.M. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax: (703) 575- 5400; e-mail:; Web site:

2-3--Multiple intelligences: Multiple Intelligences for Student and Teacher Success, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for K-12 educators and administrators, in Albuquerque, N.M. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax: (703) 575- 5400; e-mail:; Web site:

2-3--Professional development: Designing Solid Evaluations for Professional-Development Programs, sponsored by the Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development, for K- 12 educators and administrators, in Albuquerque, N.M. Contact: ASCD, 1703 N. Beauregard St., Alexandria, VA 22311-1714; (703) 578-9600 or (800) 933-2723; fax: (703) 575-5400; e-mail:; Web site:

2-4--Space: Space in the Classroom Conference, sponsored by the Space Foundation, for K-12 educators, at the Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral, Fla. Contact: Julie Howell, Communications Manager, SF, 2860 S. Circle Drive, Suite 2301, Colorado Springs, CO 80906; (719) 576-8000; e-mail:; Web site:

3-4--Montessori education: 2001-02 Teachers’ Section Annual Touring Symposium, sponsored by the American Montessori Society, for Montessori educators, in Oklahoma City. Contact: Evelyn Jackson, AMS, (212) 358-1250, ext. 201; e-mail:

3--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Edison, N.J. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

3--Scholarships: National Scholarship Month Kickoff: Scholarships-Lighting the Future, sponsored by the Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation of America, for the general public, at the National Press Club in Washington. Contact: CSFA, 1505 Riverview Road, St. Peter, MN 56082; (800) 537-4180; fax: (507) 931-9168; e-mail:; Web site:

3-4--Social studies: Social Studies in the Curriculum: Helping Children to Read the World, sponsored by the Bank Street College of Education, for educators and policymakers, at the college in New York City. Contact: Susan Ruskin-Mayher, BSCE, 610 W. 112th St., New York, NY 10025; (212) 875-4780; fax: (212) 875- 4753; e-mail: sruskin-; Web site:

3-5--Gifted education: Beyond IQ: Paradoxes and Oxymorons in the Lives of Profoundly Gifted Children, sponsored by the Gifted Conference Planners, for educators, mental- health professionals, parents, young adults, and children, at the Sheraton Colonial in Wakefield, Mass. Contact: Josh Shaine, GCP, (978) 597-0977; fax: (801) 729-5081; e-mail: m; Web site: onferenceplanners.

4-6--Civic education: We the People ... The Citizen and the Constitution National Finals, sponsored by the Center for Civic Education, for high school educators and students, at the JW Marriott in Washington. Contact: Robert Leming or Kari Coppinger, CCE, 5146 Douglas Fir Road, Calabasas, CA 91302; (818) 591-9321; fax: (818) 591-9330; e-mail:; Web site:

5--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for high school students and their parents, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, Calif. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site:

6--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for high school students and their parents, at Seaside Park in Ventura, Calif. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site:

6--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Los Angeles; Niagara Falls, N.Y.; Odgen, Utah; Plano, Texas; and Vancouver, Wash. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

6-7--Technology: Software Training Workshop for Data Point, sponsored by the National Study of School Evaluation, for teachers and administrators, at the NSSE headquarters in Schaumburg, Ill. Deadline: 15 days before event. Contact: Sharon Steindam, NSSE, 1699 E. Woodfield Road, Suite 406, Schaumburg, IL 60173; (847) 995-9080 or (800) 843-6773; fax: (847) 995-9088; e-mail:; Web site:

7--College fair: National College Fair, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for high school students and their parents, at the Pasadena Center in Pasadena, Calif. Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site:

7--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Austin, Texas; Eugene, Ore; and Riverside, Calif. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

7-8--Classroom management: The Well-Managed Classroom, sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, for teachers, administrators, and support staff, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact: NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; e-mail:

8--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Grand Junction, Colo.; Holland, Mich.; Memphis, Tenn.; Miami; and Oak Lawn, Ill. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

9-10--Science: Focus on Standards for Science and Mathematics, sponsored by the American Association for the Advancement of Science, for educators, in Atlanta. Contact: Project 2061, AAAS, 1333 H St. N.W., Room 844, Washington, DC 20005; (888) 737-2061; Web site:

9--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Boulder, Colo.; Corning, N.Y.; and Merrillville, Ind. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

9-10--School improvement: Focusing on Student Performance-Creating Research-Based Schoolwide Action Plans for Increasing Student Achievement, sponsored by the National Study of School Evaluation, for principals, teachers, and administrators, at the NSSE headquarters in Schaumburg, Ill. Deadline: 15 days before event. Contact: Sharon Steindam, NSSE, 1699 E. Woodfield Road, Suite 406, Schaumburg, IL 60173; (847) 995-9080 or (800) 843-6773; fax: (847) 995-9088; e-mail:; Web site:

9-11--Technology: National Spring Conference, sponsored by Computer Using Educators Inc., for educators, technology coordinators, administrators, and Digital High School grant applicants, at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, Calif. Contact: CUE Inc., 1210 Marina Village Parkway, Suite 100, Alameda, CA 94501, (510) 814- 6630; fax: (510) 814-0195; e-mail:; Web site:

10--Mathematics: Hands-On Equations, sponsored by the Agency for Instructional Technology, for educators, in Abilene, Texas, and Pueblo, Colo. Deadline: Two weeks before event. Contact: AIT, 1800 N. Stonelake Drive, PO Box A, Bloomington, IN 47402; (800) 457-4509; fax: (812) 333-4278; e-mail:; Web site:

14--College fair: Online College Fair for General Interest Students, sponsored by the National Association for College Admission Counseling, for students, teachers, and parents, at Contact: NACAC, 1631 Prince St., Alexandria, VA 22314; (800) 822-6285; fax: (703) 836-8015; Web site:

14-17--Parental involvement: Common Sense Parenting: Training for Parent Trainers, sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, for teachers, administrators, and support staff, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact: NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; e-mail:

15--Parental involvement: Your Child’s Rights Under the New Continuum of Services, sponsored by the Churchill Center, for educators, at the center in New York City. Contact: Susan Spero, CC, 310 E. 30th St., New York, NY 10016; (212) 722-0610; e-mail:

16-17--Technology: Education Technology Summit, sponsored by Teachers’ College, Columbia University, for educators, at the university in New York City. Contact: Marie Browne, (203) 840-5345; e-mail:; Web site:

16--English: Conference, sponsored by the English Language Arts Council/United Federation of Teachers, for English teachers, in New York City. Contact: Vita Rosenberg, (212) 598-9298; fax: (212) 533-5402; e-mail:

16--Scholarships: National Scholarship Month “Dollars for Scholars” Gala, sponsored by the Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation of America, for the general public, in Minneapolis. Contact: CSFA, 1505 Riverview Road, St. Peter, MN 56082; (800) 537- 4180; fax: (507) 931-9168; e-mail:; Web site:

16-18--Scholarships: National Scholarship Month Board Meeting: Scholarships-Lighting the Future, sponsored by the Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation of America, for CSFA board members and the general public, in St. Peter, Minn. Contact: CSFA, 1505 Riverview Road, St. Peter, MN 56082; (800) 537-4180; fax: (507) 931-9168; e- mail:; Web site:

21--Professional development: Satellite Town Meeting With Rod Paige, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, for K-12 educators, to be broadcast on national television. Contact: USDE, (800) 872-5327; e-mail:; Web site:

30--Arts education: Integrating Arts and Humanities, sponsored by the Parker Regional Teachers Center, for educators, at the center in Devens, Mass. Contact: PRTC, PO Box 2129, Devens, MA 01432; (978) 772-2687; Web site:

30-4--Civic education: We the People...The Citizen and Constitution Texas Institute, sponsored by the Center for Civic Education, for Texas educators of grades 5-12, at the Texas Law Center in Austin, Texas. Contact: Jan. L. Miller, State Bar of Texas/Law Related Education Department, 1414 Colorado St., Suite 607, Austin, TX 78701; (800) 204-2222, ext. 2122; e-mail:; Web site:

A version of this article appeared in the March 27, 2002 edition of Education Week


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