

May 07, 2003 15 min read
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A symbol (*) marks events that have not appeared in a previous issue of Education Week.


2-4—Teacher education: 2003 ChemCom Teacher Training Workshop, sponsored by the American Chemical Society, for chemistry teachers, in Jacksonville, Fla. Contact: Angela Powers, ACS, 1155 16th St. N.W., Washington, DC 20036; (202) 872-6383; fax: (202) 833-7732; Web site: /workshops.html.

4-7—Counseling: Transforming School Counselors Summer Academy, sponsored by the Education Trust/MetLife, for school counselors, at the Green Valley Ranch in Las Vegas. Contact: Charles Williams, ET, 1725 K St. N.W., Suite 200, Washington, DC 20006; (202) 293-1217; fax: (202) 293-2605; e-mail:; Web site:

4-7—Reading: 2003 Teacher Leader Institute, sponsored by the Reading Recovery Council of North America, for teachers, at the Hyatt Regency in San Antonio. Contact: Anita Gibson RRCNA, 1929 Kenny Road, Suite 100, Columbus, OH 43210; (614) 292-0269; fax: (614) 247-7323; e-mail:; Web site:

5-6— Character education: Connections in Character Education: An Institute for Educators and Researchers, sponsored by Azusa Pacific University and the Azusa (Calif.) Unified School District, for researchers, teacher-educators, elementary and secondary teachers,and graduate students, at the university in Azusa, Calif. Deadline: May 5. Contact: Beverly Stanford, APU; (626) 815-5363; e-mail:; Web site:

*5-7— Charter schools: Get Educated: Smart Tactics for Charter Success, sponsored by the Association of Charter Educators, for charter school administrators and teachers, at the Omni Hotel in Austin, Texas. Deadline: May 5. Contact: John Kroll, Charter Alliance Project, 815 Brazos, Ste. 200, Austin, TX 78703; (512 583-3245 ext. 2; fax: (512) 583-3249; e-mail:; Web site:

7-14—Education law: Florida We the People Summer Institute, sponsored by the Center for Civic Education, for middle and high school teachers, at the Florida State University-Center for Professional Development in Tallahassee, Fla. Contact: Annette Bord Pitts or Ernest Abisellan, 1625 Metropolitan Circle, Suite B, Tallahassee, FL 32308; (850) 386-8223; fax: (850) 386-8292; e-mail: or

8— Technology: Education Technology 2003 conference, sponsored by the Society for Applied Learning Technology, for educators, at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Arlington, Va. Contact: Yvonne Beichner, SALT; (800) 457-6812; fax: (540) 349- 3169; Web site:

8- 11—Teacher education: Teacher Preparation and Certification, sponsored by the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification, for educators, human-resources officers, teacher-educators, professional-development providers, and teacher-preparation officials, at the West Coast Grand Hotel in Seattle. Contact: Roy Einreinhofer, NASDTEC, 39 Nathan Ellis Highway, PMB 134, Mashpee, MA 02649; (508) 539-8844; fax: (508) 539-8868; e-mail:; Web site:

8-13—Teacher education: 2003 ChemCom Teacher Training Workshop, sponsored by the American Chemical Society, for chemistry teachers, in Dallas. Contact: Angela Powers, ACS, 1155 16th St. N.W., Washington, DC 20036; (202) 872-6383; fax: (202) 833-7732; Web site: /workshops.html.

9- 13—Professional development: Schools Attuned Training, sponsored by All Kinds of Minds and the Christian Learning Center Midwest RTS, for teachers and administrators, at the Park Tudor School in Indianapolis. Contact: Doug Bouman, CLCM RTS; (616) 748-9024; e-mail:; Web site:

11-12— Classroom management: The Well-Managed Classroom, sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, for teachers, administrators, and support staff, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact: NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; Web site:

11- 12—Safety: Safe and Effective Secondary Schools, sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, for teachers, administrators, resource officers, and staff members, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact: NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; Web site:

11- 13—Principals: Summer Conference, sponsored by the Texas Elementary Principals and Supervisors Association, for administrators, at the Austin Renaissance Hotel in Austin, Texas. Contact: Lisa Holloway, TEPSA; (512) 478- 5268; e-mail:; Web site:

11-13—Technology: Alabama Educational Technology Conference, sponsored by the Alabama Department of Education, for teachers, administrators, and technology coordinators, at the Birmingham-Jefferson Convention Complex in Birmingham, Ala. Contact: Kathy Birdnow, ADE, 50 N. Ripley St., Montgomery, AL 36104; (334) 242-9594; fax: (334) 353-5886; e-mail:; Web site:

13-14—Charter schools: 2nd Annual Charter School Conference: Welcome to Tomorrow, sponsored by I Can Do Anything Charter High School and the U.S. Department of Education, for educators, in Reno, Nev. Contact: Jennifer Levy, ICDACHS; (775) 857-1544; e- mail:; Web site:

15-18—Professional development: National Institute for Early Childhood Professional Development, sponsored by the National Association for the Education of Young Children, for administrators, teachers, and researchers, at the Hilton Portland and Executive Tower in Portland, Ore. Contact: NAEYC, 1509 16th St. N.W., Washington, DC 20036; (202) 232-8777; fax: (202) 328-1846; Web site:

15-19—Independent schools: 2003 National Admission Workshop, sponsored by the Virginia Association of Independent Schools, for admissions officers, at the Omni Charlottesville Hotel in Charlottesville, Va. Contact: Joan Fargis, VAIS, 8001 Franklin Farms Drive, Suite 100, Richmond, VA 23229; (804) 282-3592; fax: (804) 282-3596; e-mail:; Web site:

15-20—Education law: Tennessee We the People State Teacher Institute, sponsored by the Center for Civic Education, for teachers in grades 5-12, at the Robert Penn Warren Center, Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tenn. Contact: Mary Catherine Bradshaw, 5845 Merrimac Court, Nashville, TN 37215; (615) 376-5108; fax: (615) 298-8402; e-mail:

15-20— Education law: Mississippi We the People Institute, sponsored by the Center for Civic Education, for teachers, at Mississippi State University in Mississippi State, Miss. Contact: Susie Burroughs, Curriculum & Instruction, PO Box 9705. Mississippi State, MS 39762; (662) 325-3747; fax: (662) 325-7124; e-mail:

15-20—Professional development: Schools Attuned Training, sponsored by All Kinds of Minds and Cattaraugus-Allegany-Erie-Wyoming BOCES, for teachers and administrators, at Holiday Valley in Olean, N.Y. Contact: Barbara Van Wicklin, CAEW BOCES; (716) 376-8321; e-mail:</ a>; Web

15- 22—Education law: Arizona State Summer Institute, sponsored by the Center for Civic Education, for teachers, at Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, Ariz. Contact: Susan Nasal, 111 W. Monroe, Suite 1800, Phoenix, AZ 85003-1742; (602) 340-7361; fax: (602) 416-7561; e-mail:; Web site:

16-18—Special education: Hill Methodology Workshop, sponsored by the Hill Center, for special education teachers, at the center in Durham, N.C. Contact: Gaye Thompson, HC, 3200 Pickett Road, Durham, NC 27705; (919) 489- 7464; fax: (919) 489-7466; Web site:

16-18—Special education: Summer Institute on Legal and Educational Issues, sponsored by Marathon County Special Education, for educators and administrators, at the LaCrosse Center in LaCrosse, Wis. Contact: MCSE, 1200 Lakeview Drive, Suite 350, Wausau, WI 54403; (715) 261-1980; fax: (715) 261-1981; e-mail: conferences@mcspecialeducation .com; Web site:

1 6-20—Professional development: Schools Attuned Training, sponsored by All Kinds of Minds and the Christian Learning Center Midwest RTS, for teachers and administrators, at the Haworth Conference Center in Holland, Mich. Contact: Doug Bouman, CLCM RTS; (616) 748-9024; e-mail:; Web site:

16-20— Professional development: Schools Attuned Training, sponsored by All Kinds of Minds and The Learning Center of North Texas, for teachers and administrators, at the Shelton School in Dallas. Contact: Lucille Helton, LCNT; (817) 336-0808; e-mail: l.helton@thelearningcenterofnt .org; Web site:

16- 20—Professional development: Schools Attuned Training, sponsored by All Kinds of Minds and the Christian Learning Center Midwest RTS, for teachers and administrators, at the Old Trail School in Bath, Ohio. Contact: Doug Bouman, CLCM RTS; (616) 748-9024; e-mail:; Web site:

16-20— Space education: Space Law, sponsored by the Space Foundation, for educators, in Colorado Springs, Colo. Contact: Misty Garland, SF, 310 S. 14th St., Colorado Springs, CO 80904; (719) 576-8000; fax: (719) 576-8801; e-mail:; Web site: on.

16-25—Education law: Mountain/Plains Region Summer Institute, sponsored by the Center for Civic Education, for upper elementary, middle, and high school teachers, at Montana State University in Billings, Mont. Contact: Susan Roe, Director of Professional Development, 5146 Douglas Fir Road, Calabasas, CA 91302; (818) 591-9321; fax: (818) 591-9330; e-mail:

17—Parent involvement: Education News Parents Can Use: Summer Reading, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, for parents, teachers, and administrators, at the WETA studios in Arlington, Va. Deadline: Day of the event at 10 a.m. Contact: Jennifer Walsh, Tricom Associates, 2009 N. 14th St., Suite 407, Arlington, VA 22201; (703) 276-2772 ext. 13; fax: (703) 528-5058; e-mail:; Web site: sion.

17—Professional development: Satellite Town Meeting With Rod Paige, sponsored by the U.S. Department of Education, for K-12 educators, to be broadcast on national television. Contact: USDE, (800) 872-5327; e-mail:; Web site:

18-20— Administrators: Administrative Intervention, sponsored by the Girls and Boys Town National Resource Training Center, for principals, administrators, counselors, social workers, and team leaders, in Boys Town, Neb. Contact: NRTC Support Services, Box 145, Boys Town, NE 68010; (800) 545-5771, ext. 65; Web site:

18- 20—Technology: 12th Annual ed-ACCESS Conference, sponsored by ed-ACCESS, for educators, at the Purnell School in Pottersville, N.J. Contact: Rob Mancabelli, PS, Pottersville, NJ 07979; (908) 439-4038; Web site:

18-24—Early childhood: Social-Emotional Growth Module and Socialization and Group Care Module, sponsored by the WestEd Center for Child and Family Studies, for educators, program managers, and child-care providers, at the Shelter Pointe Hotel in San Diego. Contact: Alicia Tuesta, WestEd, 180 Harbor Drive, Suite 112, Sausalito, CA 94965; (415) 289-2300; e-mail:; Web site:

19-20—Classroom management: Inspire the Best ... Strategies for Success, sponsored by Calvert School Education Services, for teachers and administrators, at the Calvert School in Baltimore. Deadline: May 30. Contact: Megin Renaud, CSES, 10713 Gilroy Road, Suite B, Hunt Valley, MD 21031; (877) 485-8283 ext. 2; fax: (410) 785-3418; e- mail:; Web site:

19-27— Education law: Southeastern Region Summer Institute, sponsored by the Center for Civic Education, for upper elementary, middle, and high school teachers, at Furman University in Greenville, S.C. Contact: Susan Roe, Director of Professional Development, 5146 Douglas Fir Road, Calabasas, CA 91302; (818) 591-9321; fax: (818) 591-9330; e-mail:

20-22—Parental involvement: National PTA Convention, sponsored by the National Parent Teacher Association, for educators and child advocates, at the Charlotte Convention Center in Charlotte, N.C. Contact: NPTA, Customer Service; fax: (312) 670-6783; e-mail:; Web site:

20-25—Collaboration: 2003 Conference, sponsored by the National Peer Helpers Association, for educators, at the Sheraton Colony Square Hotel in Atlanta. Contact: NPHA, PO Box 32272, Kansas City, MO 64171-5272; (877) 314-7337; fax: (913) 362-0735; e-mail:; Web site:

22-24— Professional development: PATHWISE Framework for Teaching, sponsored by the Educational Testing Service, for school staff developers, mentors, and administrators, at the Radisson O’Hare Airport in Chicago. Contact: Lisa Mannon, ETS Pathwise, 33 Delaware Avenue, Suite 102, Yardley, PA 19067; (800) 297-9051; fax: (800) 553-4423; Web site:

22-25— Assessment: 33rd Annual Conference on Large-Scale Assessment, sponsored by the Council of Chief State School Officers, for education agencies, test developers, universities, and policymakers, in San Antonio. Contact: Carl Andrews, CCSSO, 1 Massachusetts Ave. N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20001; (202) 336-7053; e-mail:; Web site:

22- 27—Education law: Oregon Summer Institute, sponsored by the Center for Civic Education, for upper elementary, middle, and high school teachers, at Lewis and Clark College in Portland, Ore. Contact: Marilyn Cover, 620 S.W. Main St., Suite 102, Portland, OR 97205; (503) 224-4424; fax: (503) 227-1721; e-mail:; Web site:

22- 27—Education law: Special Education Law Seminar, sponsored by Lehigh University’s College of Education, for administrators, special education teachers, and mental health agencies, at the university’s Mountaintop Campus in Bethlehem, Pa. Deadline: June 2. Contact: Theresa M. Freeman, LUCOE, 111 Research Drive, A-219, Bethlehem, PA 18015; (610) 758-6563; fax: (610) 758- 3227; e-mail:; Web site:; Web site:

23- 27—Professional development: Schools Attuned Training, sponsored by All Kinds of Minds and the Children’s Health Council RTS, for teachers and administrators, in Palo Alto, Calif. Contact: Karen Grites, CHC RTS; (650) 326- 5530; e-mail:; Web site:

23-27— Professional development: Schools Attuned Training, sponsored by All Kinds of Minds and the Etta Israel Center RTS, for teachers and administrators, at the center in Los Angeles. Contact: Rick Goldman, EIC RTS; (818) 385-1631; e- mail:; Web site:

23-27— Professional development: Schools Attuned Training, sponsored by All Kinds of Minds and the Christian Learning Center Midwest RTS, for teachers and administrators, at the University of Chicago Laboratory School in Chicago. Contact: Doug Bouman, CLCM RTS; (616) 748-9024; e-mail:; Web site:

23-27—Religious education: Institute in Catholic Identity: Called to Be Authentic, sponsored by the Manhattan College Catholic School Administrator Program, the Center for Learning Leaders, and the Catholic School Administrator Association, for Catholic school educators, at the college in Riverdale, N.Y. Contact: Sister Remigia Kushner, CSAP, MC School of Education, Riverdale, NY 10471; (718) 862-7473; fax: (718) 862-7816; e-mail: or; Web site:

*25— Administrators: Workshop: What Admissions Directors Need to Know, sponsored by the Lab School of Washington, for educators, in Washington. Contact: Lois Meyer, LSW, 4759 Reservoir Road, N.W., Washington, DC 20007; (202) 944-2232; fax: (202) 944-3083; e-mail:; Web site:

25—Reading: Foundations for Fluent Reading and Writing, sponsored by the Hill Center, for middle school teachers, at the Hill Center in Durham, N.C. Contact: Gaye Thompson, 3200 Pickett Road, Durham, NC 27705; (919) 489-7464; fax: (919) 489- 7466; Web site:

*26— Administrators: Workshop: What Admissions Directors Need to Know, sponsored by the Lab School of Washington, for educators, in Washington. Contact: Lois Meyer, LSW, 4759 Reservoir Road, N.W., Washington, DC 20007; (202) 944-2232; fax: (202) 944-3083; e-mail:; Web site:

26-27—Home schooling: 4th Annual Calvert School Curriculum Conference, sponsored by Calvert School Education Services, for teachers and home-schooling parents, in Baltimore. Contact: CS, 10713 Gilroy Road, Suite B, Hunt Valley, MD 21031; (888) 487-4652; fax: (410) 785-3418; Web site:

26-29— Curriculum: CITY 2003, sponsored by the National Catholic Educational Association, for Catholic secondary teachers and administrators, at the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn. Contact: William J. Hudson, NCEA, 1077 30th St. N.W., Suite 100, Washington, DC 20007; (202) 337-6232; fax: (202) 333-6706; e-mail:; Web site:

26-29—Dropouts: 15th Annual National Dropout Prevention Network Conference, sponsored by the National Dropout Prevention Center and the Missouri Department of Education, for teachers, counselors, and social workers, at the Hyatt Regency Crown Center in Kansas City, Mo. Contact: John Peters, NDPC, 209 Martin St., Clemson, SC 29631; (864) 656-2599; fax: (864) 656-0136; e-mail:; Web site:

*26 -29—Literacy: Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning Ninth Summer Conference—Beyond Fear and Isolation: Building a Culture of Listening, sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of English, for educators, in Ithaca, NY. Contact: Bruce Novak, NCTE; (217) 328-3870; fax: (217) 278-3761; e- mail: bjnovak@midway.uchicago,edu; Web site:


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