An article in the July 26, 2006, issue of Education Week (“Experience of Ellis Island Expected to Enrich Curriculum”) about a teacher workshop on immigration held at Ellis Island should have described West Side Academy in Newark, N.J., as a public school that serves 9th graders; it is not specifically for disadvantaged 9th graders. Cole Kleitsch, a social studies teacher at the school, said a paraphrase of his comments about the attitudes the students in his class hold toward current immigrants should have said those views tend to reflect the tensions between the city’s established and newcomer communities.
An information box with an article on teacher “externships” in the July 26 issue (“Out and About: Extern Programs at a Glance”) incorrectly stated the name of the Houston A+ Challenge’s summer-externship program. It is the Houston A+ Challenge Teacher Externship Program.
An item in the People column in the same issue misstated the effective date of Sue Swaim’s retirement as the executive director of the National Middle School Association. It is June 30, 2007.