To the Editor:
I am unfamiliar with the history and complexity of the Educational Broadband Service covered in your Oct. 26 article, but I am very familiar with the impact of the North American Catholic Educational Programming Foundation, which the article dismissed by saying there was “limited evidence” of its “contribution to educational media.”
Digital Wish, the company I lead, is a nonprofit founded on the belief that every child deserves a technology-rich education that will provide him or her with the skills necessary to excel in the global economy. The NACEPF’s Mobile Beacon program is one of our largest donors in this effort.
The NACEPF’s hot-spot donation program provides unlimited data plans that support thousands of students and teachers across the United States in the classroom, as well as out-of-school connectivity to address the “homework gap” that the article mentions.
Mobile Beacon’s donation program saves school districts tens of thousands of dollars a year while providing the high-speed internet access students and teachers need.
Gordon Woodrow
Executive Director
Digital Wish
Manchester Center, Vt.