The U.S. Department of Education has announced the awarding of $56 million for 23 new comprehensive-research-center contracts, marking an expansion of the federal technical-assistance network for districts.
The network has reorganized the centers dedicated to responding to the technical-assistance needs of specific geographic regions, and expanded the number of centers that will specialize. Each center must develop a five-year plan to disseminate the best research-based practices to help schools and districts improve student achievement and meet federal education laws.
A comprehensive-network veteran, WestEd, received five contracts. It will operate the $1.4 million Center on Standards and Assessments Implementation and the $1.4 million Center on School Turnaround. WestEd will also operate three regional comprehensive centers for California, the West, and the Mid-Atlantic.
The American Institutes for Research will run the $2.5 million Center on Great Teachers and Leaders and three other centers.