A new report out from the President’s Council of Economic Advisers projects future job market demands in ways that can inform high school and postsecondary education.
The study says that in the next five to 10 years, jobs requiring a bachelor’s degree will grow significantly, but that the fastest growth will be among occupations that require an associate’s degree or vocational training.
The report goes on to dissect the nation’s elementary, secondary and college systems, and how they should change to ensure strong preparation for the shape of the job market.
No huge surprises: students need better basic skills, including problem-solving and critical thinking; they need better education in career and technology skills; and, secondary and post-secondary goals and curriculum should be better aligned, among other things.
Interesting reading as the “high school space” comes under increasing pressure to get its students prepared for the education or training that comes next.
Read the New York Times’ take on the report here and here and the Washington Post‘s take here.
On a related note, President Obama is scheduled to announce a big infusion of money into community colleges today. Read about it here and here.
UPDATE: An outline of the President’s American Graduation Initiative and excerpts of his comments are online here. (Thanks to the Boston Globe‘s Political Intelligence for posting it even before the White House did)