Teaching Profession Opinion

It’s a Great Time to be a Teacher!

By AAEE — November 18, 2014 1 min read
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In years past, especially graduating at the end of Fall semester, teachers have had a difficult time finding full-time employment. Teachers in hard to fill areas have had less of a struggle, but mid-year employment is always a bit more difficult.

This Fall is a great time to be a teacher, especially a new teacher (first career or career changer)!

Many districts across the country will have full-time openings for second semester. These jobs will be posted now and through mid-December.

What do I need to do if I am looking for employment for second semester?

Start watching for openings and applying online now!

  • Remember most districts are closed for winter break and want their openings staffed prior to break.
  • If there are not any openings in your endorsement area, apply to be a substitute.

Substitute Teaching

  • Many districts will keep you busy, part-time to full-time, just filling in as a substitute.
  • Being a substitute allows you to network and make building connections for when positions do become available.
  • If you are just now looking into becoming a teacher and are not sure it is the right avenue for you, try substitute teaching.

Amy Spruce, Human Resources

Adams 12 Five Star Schools

Thornton, Colorado

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