Two more states will get to keep their waivers for another year: Tennessee and the District of Columbia (which okay, is technically not really a state but it has a state education agency, so that’s how it’s treated by the feds.)
Unlike many states who have received waiver extensions lately, the letters for both the Volunteer State and the nation’s capitol have absolutely no caveats. And Tennessee could be eligible for a longer waiver renewal, if it stays on track when it comes to teacher evaluation.
As Race to the Top winners, and early adapters on teacher evaluation, both states were considered poster children for the Obama administration’s education redesign agenda. But both have diverted from it recently. Tennessee delayed implementation of the PARCC assessments, one of two federally-funded consortia aligned to Common Core, and is in the market for a new test.
And the District of Columbia decided in June not to incorporate value-added test scores into teacher evaluations during the 2014-15 school year. That decision cast the district’s waiver renewal in doubt ... until Secretary of Education Arne Duncan used the district as the site for his big announcement that states could get an a additional year to incorporate student test scores in teacher evaluations.
Those keeping score on extensions at home can check out this updated waiver map: