HOT OFF THE PRESS: The American Institutes for Research and Learning Point Associates are merging.
The two nonprofit research organizations are well known in the field of education research, although AIR also does work in other areas of behavioral and social science. According to today’s announcement, the merger of the two organizations will take effect on Aug. 1. As part of the union, Gina Burkhardt, Learning Point’s longtime CEO, will take David Myers’ place as director of AIR’s Education, Human Development, and the Workforce (EHDW) Division. (Myers, you’ll recall from an earlier post, is slated to replace Sol H. Pelavin when he retires as AIR’s CEO on Dec. 31.)
Based in Naperville, Ill., Learning Points began in 1984 as a federal regional education laboratory, and it continues to run the Regional Education Laboratory Midwest. The 1,500-employee AIR, while headquartered in Washington, has offices around the globe. The merger with Learning Points will greatly expand its education profile, growing that division to include 450 employees.