The PBwiki Power Educators Wiki
This Web site is a great resource for teachers who are thinking of setting up a wiki for classroom use. The site includes tips on proper wiki etiquette to share with students and examples of wikis that have already been created. There’s also an extensive “how to” section that explains what it takes to set one up and gives tips on building a successful and lively community. Perhaps the most useful section is the “Events” link, which lists upcoming webinars and also allows users to access previous webinars. Among the topics are wiki basics, new features, and resources for school librarians. The site itself looks fairly skeletal, but a lot of helpful information is behind the links, so be sure to do some exploring.
Federal Resources for Educational Excellence
This site pulls educational resources from a variety of places—the Library of Congress, universities and colleges, and the National Gallery of Art, for example—and organizes them into searchable subject areas. Resources include links to educational Web sites, interactive activities, lesson plans, photos, and other multimedia elements. Each subject is broken down into a number of smaller areas, so it’s easy to find the specific resources you’re looking for. The amount of information on the site is enormous, so it’s a good idea to spend some time combing through the links to see what you can find.