Adult, Career, and Vocational Education
Ohio State University
Covers all levels and settings of adult and continuing, career, and vocational/technical education.
Assessment and Evaluation
University of Maryland College Park
Seeks to provide balanced information concerning educational assessment and resources to encourage responsible test use.
Community Colleges
University of California, at Los Angeles ml
Covers development, administration, and evaluation of two-year public and private community and junior colleges, technical institutes, and two-year branch university campuses.
Counseling and Student Services
University of North Carolina at Greensboro
Addresses preparation, practice, and supervision of counselors at all educational levels and in all educational settings, along with development and the theoretical base of counseling and student services.
Disabilities and Gifted Education
Council for Exceptional Children
Covers all aspects of the education and development of students with disabilities and gifted students, including identification, assessment, intervention, and enrichment, both in special settings and within the mainstream.
Educational Management
University of Oregon
Covers all aspects of the governance, leadership, administration, and structure of public and private educational organizations at the elementary and secondary levels, including the provision of physical facilities for their operation.
Elementary and Early Childhood Education
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Covers the physical, cognitive, social, educational, and cultural development of children from birth through early adolescence.
Higher Education
George Washington University
Addresses college and university problems, students, curricular and instructional programs, and institutional research.
Information and Technology
Syracuse University
Covers educational technology and library and information science at all levels.
Languages and Linguistics
Center for Applied Linguistics
Covers languages and language sciences, including all aspects of second-language instruction and learning in all commonly and uncommonly taught languages.
Reading, English, and Communication
Indiana University
Covers all aspects of reading, English, and communication (verbal and nonverbal) in preschool through college.
Rural Education and Small Schools
Covers economic, cultural, and social conditions related to educational programs and practices for rural residents, American Indians, Alaska Natives, Mexican- Americans, and migrants; educational practices and programs in small schools; and outdoor education.
Science, Mathematics, and Environmental Education
Ohio State University
Covers all aspects and levels of science, mathematics, and environmental education.
Social Studies/Social Science Education
Indiana University
Monitors issues about the teaching and learning of history, geography, civics, economics, and other subjects in the social studies and social sciences.
Teaching and Teacher Education
American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education
Covers teacher recruitment, selection, licensing, certification, training, preservice and in- service preparation, evaluation, retention, and retirement. Also covers all aspects of health, physical education, recreation, and dance.
Urban Education
Teachers College, Columbia University
Covers programs and practices in urban-area schools; the education of African-American and Hispanic youths; the theory and practice of educational equity; and urban and minority experiences, social institutions, and services.