In Quality Counts 2008, the EPE Research Center examined three state policies related to school leadership: (1) standards for licensure of school administrators, (2) requirements for initial administrator licensure that include supervised internship, and (3) requirements for initial administrator licensure that include participation in an induction or mentoring program.
Nearly all states (48) have standards for school administrator licensure. More than half of the states (28) require administrators to complete a supervised internship. But only 14 states require administrators to participate in a mentoring or induction program. The Council of Chief State School Officers collected this information for their report Key State Education Policies on PK-12 Education: 2006.
SOURCE: EPE Research Center
State efforts to promote effective school leadership are important because teachers consistently identify a strong school leader as a key factor in where they decide to teach. Although states seem to have the basics covered when it comes to school administrator preparation policies, there is room for improvement.
For more state-by-state information on policies related to school leadership, please see the EPE Research Center’s Education Counts database.