The following organizations submitted information on their April through December events. The information is subject to change, and the listing may not include all events sponsored by a given group. The addresses and phone numbers of sponsors are provided in the month-by-month listings.
Aesthetic Realism Foundation. May 3, 17; Oct. 4.
All Kinds of Minds. June 7-10, 11-15, 14-19, 18-22, 25-29, 26- 29; July 9-14; Aug. 6-10, 8-14, 13-17, 14-17.
American Association of School Administrators. April 22-24; July 23-26; Nov. 4-5, 11- 13.
American Association of School Librarians. Nov. 14- 18.
American Association of State Colleges and Universities. July 21-24; Aug. 2-5; Sept. 30-Oct. 3; Nov. 18-20, 29-Dec. 1.
American Association of Teachers of German. Nov. 15- 18.
American Association of Teachers of French. July 5- 8.
American Association of University Women Educational Foundation. July 24.
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages. Nov. 15-18, 16-18.
American Educational Research Association. April 10-14.
American Federation of Teachers. July 12- 15.
American Montessori Society. April 19-22; Aug. 11-13; Oct. 16-21.
American Orff-Schulwerk Association. Nov. 14- 18.
American School Counselor Association. June 24- 27.
American School Health Association. July 30-31; Nov. 7- 11.
Association for Childhood Education International. April 3-6, 4-7; July 25-28.
Association for Educators in Private Practice. July 26-28.
Association of Illinois Middle Schools. April 22- 24; June 25-26; Aug. 7-9.
Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. April 2-4, 9, 18-20; May 3-4, 17-18; July 9, 9-13, 10, 11-13, 12-14, 23-27, 31-Aug. 2; Oct. 18-20.
California Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance. July 18- 23.
California’s Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment Program. Nov. 18.
California Early and Extended Literacy Learning Institute. May 17-20.
California State University—San Bernardino. June 19-23.
Canadian Association of School Administrators. April 22-24; July 23-26; Nov. 11-13.
Catholic University of America. June 25; July 9, 16, 23, 30.
Center for Advanced Studies in Business Inc., University of Wisconsin—Madison. May 16- 18; Oct. 10-12.
Center for Civic Education. April 21-23; June 18- 25, 19-26; July 7-28, 14-21, 23-30, 27-Aug. 3; Aug. 13-14.
Center on Education and Work. July 22-24, 26-27; Aug. 1-3.
Center for Oral Education in Northampton, Mass. Nov. 1-2.
Center for Rural Education and Small Schools. Nov. 4-5.
Center for Social and Emotional Education. June 26-28; July 9-13.
Character Education Partnership. Oct. 18-20.
Chase Manhattan Foundation. July 9-14, 16-21.
Chicago Public Schools. April 22- 24.
Children and Adults with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Oct. 18-20.
Children’s Health Council. Aug. 14- 17.
Christian Learning Center. June 26-29.
Churchill School and Center. April 10; May 1, 17, 22; June 28; July 9-11, 9-13, 16-17, 16- 18, 19-20.
Citizens’ Scholarship Foundation of America. April 27; May 17-20, 23; Oct. 5-6.
CLARKE School for the Deaf. Nov. 1- 2.
College Board. July 15-20.
Columbia University. May 30-31.
Computer Using Educators Inc. May 17-19; Oct. 11- 13; Nov. 8-10.
Consortium for Policy Research in Education. May 16- 18; Oct. 10-12; Nov. 29-30.
Consortium for Research on Educational Accountability and Teacher Evaluation. July 19-21.
Consortium for Social Responsibility and Character in Education. June 14- 16.
Continuing Education & Public Programs at the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. July 9-13.
Cooperating School Districts. July 12-14.
Counsel for Advancement and Support in Education. Nov. 29-Dec. 1.
Council for Children with Behavioral Disorders. Oct. 4-6.
Council of Educational Facility Planners International. Oct. 17-20.
Council for Exceptional Children. April 17-22; Oct. 4-5, 25-27; Dec. 1-5.
Council of the Great City Schools. Oct. 17-21.
Council for Learning Disabilities. Oct. 18-20.
Council for Spiritual and Ethical Education. April 6.
EdSource. April 5, 6.
Education Law Association. Nov. 15-17.
Education Leaders Council. Sept. 28- 29.
Educational Center for Earth Observation Systems. May 7- 9.
EdVentures. July 26-28.
Environmental Expeditions. July 5-13.
Fairleigh Dickinson University. June 26-28; July 9-13.
Fordham University. July 2-12, 16- 21.
Gallaudet University Regional Center. Nov. 2- 3.
Girls and Boys Town National Resource and Training Center. April 17-18, 23-24, 30-May 1; May 7, 7-8, 15-18, 23; June 4, 6-7, 14-15, 20- 21, 21-22, 25-27, 25-29; July 26-27.
Healing the Heart of Diversity. May 3-5; June 13-15; Aug. 3-5; Sept. 12-14; Oct. 26-28; Nov. 9- 11.
HOPE Foundation. April 22-24; July 23-26; Nov. 11- 13.
Howard Hughes Medical Institute. Nov. 29- 30.
Illinois Association of School Administrators. April 22- 24.
Illinois Principals Association. April 22- 24.
Illinois School Library Media Association. Oct. 25- 27.
Inland Empire Center for Entrepreneurship. May 3.
Indiana Middle Level Education Association. July 23- 27.
International Alternative Learning Association. June 27- 30.
International Dyslexia Association. Oct. 24- 27.
International NETWORK of Performing and Visual Arts Schools. Oct. 31-Nov. 4.
International Network of Productive Schools. May 3-10.
Kansas State University. Nov. 4-5.
Kappa Delta Pi International Honor Society. May 4-5, 11-12; June 1-2, 8-9; Nov. 8- 10.
Kellogg Institute for the Training and Certification of Developmental Educators. June 23-July 20.
KIDSNET. June 6.
Lab School of Washington. April 2-4, 30.
Laubach Literacy Action. May 30-June 1.
Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center. Nov. 2-3.
Learning Communities Network, Inc. April 19-22.
Learning Disabilities Network. April 2- 6.
Magellan Foundation. July 15-17, 29-Aug. 1.
Magnet Schools of America. April 23-28.
Maine Department of Education. Oct. 12-13.
Maine Educators of the Gifted and Talented. Oct. 12-13.
Mainstream Center. Nov. 1-2.
Midwest Equity Assistance Center. Nov. 4-5.
Nassau BOCES. July 9- 13.
National Academy of Alternative Education. May 3- 10.
National African-American Parent Involvement Day. Oct. 17- 20.
National Archives at College Park. June 25-July 3.
National Association of Biology Teachers. Nov. 7- 10.
National Association of College Admission Counseling. April 1, 1-2, 4-5, 18, 24, 24-25, 25-26, 28, 29, 30-May 1; May 2, 2-3, 2-4, 3, 6; Sept. 15-16, 20-23, 30; Oct. 2-3, 7, 18, 21, 26-27, 28-29, 30; Nov. 6, 9-10, 11-12, 17, 18, 19-20.
National Association for Drama Therapy. Nov. 8- 11.
National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth. Oct. 13-16.
National Association of Elementary School Principals. April 7-10.
National Association of Federal Education Program Administration. April 1-4.
National Association of Partners in Education. Oct. 31-Nov. 2.
National Association for Poetry Therapy. April 18-22.
National Association of School Nurses. June 28-July 1.
National Association of School Psychologists. April 17-21.
National Association of State Directors of Special Education. Nov. 11-14.
National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification. June 10-13; Oct. 31-Nov. 2.
National Association of State Directors of Vocational Technical Education. April 28-May 2; Sept. 22- 26.
National Association of State Universities and Land-Grant Colleges. Nov. 29-Dec. 1.
National Beta Club. Sept. 24.
National Black Child Development Institute. Oct. 6- 9.
National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. Oct. 19- 21.
National Center for Developmental Education. Oct. 24- 27.
National Center for Teaching Thinking. Aug. 9- 14.
National Coalition Title I/Chapter I Parents Region III. April 26-29.
National Communication Association. June 7-10; Nov. 1-4.
National Community Education Association. Nov. 17- 20.
National Council for History Education. Oct. 19- 20.
National Council of States for the Improvement of Education. April 28-May 1.
National Council of Teachers of English. April 26-28; June 3-6; Nov. 15-18.
National Education Goals Panel. Oct. 2.
National Institute of Mental Health. May 2- 4.
National Peer Helpers Association. June 28-July 3.
National Principals Leadership Institute. July 9- 14.
National Rural Education Association. Oct. 24- 27.
National School-Age Care Alliance. April 19- 21.
National School Public Relations Association. July 8- 11.
National School Technology Leadership Conference. Aug. 10- 11.
National Society for Experiential Education. Oct. 24- 27.
National Staff Development Council. Dec. 1- 5.
National Substitute Teachers Alliance. July 14- 15.
National Youth Leadership Council. April 4- 8.
New American Schools. April 5-6.
New England Educational Research Organization. April 25-27.
New England Kindergarten Conference. Nov. 15-17.
New England League of Middle Schools. May 1, 2, 3, 8, 9, 10, 11, 14, 15, 16; July 16-18; Aug. 13- 14.
New England Reading Association. Nov. 1-3.
New Hampshire Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. April 9.
New Jersey Association for Middle Level Education. May 4- 5.
New Jersey Educational Computing Cooperative Inc. June 8, 25- 29; Aug. 28-29.
New Teacher Center at the University of California, Santa Cruz. Nov. 18.
New York State Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Oct. 26-28.
New York State Middle School Association. Oct. 18-20.
North Carolina English Teachers Association. Oct. 4-6.
North Central Regional Educational Laboratories. April 22-24.
Northeast Regional Professional Development Center. May 2-3.
NYC Teachers. May 3.
Office of the Alternative, Adult, and Continuing Education Schools and Programs. May 3-10.
Our Other Youth. June 26-28; Aug. 14-16.
P. Buckley Moss Foundation for Children’s Education. Oct. 13- 15.
Parents for Public Schools Inc. April 20- 22.
Parents as Teachers National Center. April 27-May 1.
Partnership for Media Education. June 23-26.
Phi Delta Kappa International. April 2, 3, 4, 5, 14, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30; May 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11; June 11; Oct. 12, 16, 17, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 30.
Public Education Network. Nov. 11-13.
Reading Recovery Council of North America. April 4-7.
Reed Exhibition Companies. May 30-31.
Reggio Emilia Institute. May 5- 6.
Robert Rauschenberg Foundation. May 18.
Roeper Review. Nov. 16-17.
San Bernardino County Children’s Network. Sept. 7.
School Administrators Association of New York State. July 15-17, 29-Aug. 1; Oct. 28-30.
Small Schools Workshop. April 22-24.
Space Foundation. June 18-22, 25-29; July 9-13, 16- 20, 23-27, 30-Aug. 3.
Southern New Jersey Perinatal Cooperative. April 25, 27.
St. Louis Public Schools. April 23- 28.
Substitute Teaching Institute at Utah State University. July 19- 21.
University of Connecticut Neag Center for Gifted Education and Talent Development. July 9-20.
University Council for Educational Administration. April 8-9; Sept. 19-21; Nov. 2-4.
University of Oklahoma. April 10-12.
University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. April 11-13.
Virginia Association for the Gifted. Nov. 1-3.
Westchester-Putnam College Conference Committee Inc. May 2; Oct. 9, 10.
WestEd’s Strategic Literacy Initiative. Aug. 5-10; Sept. 23-28.
Whole Language Umbrella of the National Council of Teachers of English. July 25-29.
Youth Change. April 5-6, 12-13, 19-20, 26-27; May 3-4, 10-11.
Zero to Three. Nov. 30-Dec. 2.