August is the time for back-to-school checklists, such as for school supplies, and Secretary of Education Rod Paige last week issued his own list for parents.
“We’ve provided a checklist so that busy moms and dads can be sure to ask the right questions” about achievement and accountability in their children’s schools, Mr. Paige said in a statement accompanying the three- page list.
The checklist is timed for states’ release of their lists of which schools made “adequate yearly progress” under the federal No Child Left Behind Act.
Mr. Paige said parents should ask school administrators questions such as these: Are test scores rising or falling compared with the previous year? How many students in the school are performing at grade level (proficient) in either reading or mathematics? Does the district inform parents of the choices and options available to them under the No Child Left Behind Act?
The list is posted by the U.S. Department of Education.