“I’m #2"
—The phrase on a button that Hamilton Middle School in Wichita, Kansas, gives its teachers to remind them that they’re the second most important source of learning. Parents get a button that reads, “I’m #1.”
“If they don’t have an idea of what to write, I toss out some things. I think of it more as being a teacher.”
—Michele Hernandez, owner of Hernandez College Consulting, a company that guides students through the college admissions process. For help with the personal-essay section of an application, the company charges $1,500.
“Hell will freeze over before you do away with seniority!”
—Boston Teachers’ Union official Tom Lyons, addressing City Hall at a rally of 4,500 teachers in October to protest the city’s position in contract talks that preferences should not be given to veteran teachers applying for jobs, among other issues. A week later, negotiators agreed on a contract that eliminates some preferences.
“Sometimes, frankly, it’s tempting to leave [adolescents] to their own devices, to say: ‘So what if they call someone a fag? At this age, they’re all hormonally insane. Just keep them out of my hair.’ But both adults and children— especially adults—need to intervene whenever bullying happens.”
—Bob Chase, president of the National Education Association, speaking at the annual conference of the Gay, Lesbian, and Straight Education Network this fall.