I’ll begin posting new questions and answers in late August, and during the summer will be sharing thematic posts bringing together responses on similar topics from the past four years. You can see all those collections from the first three years here.
Today’s theme - the third one in this summer series - is on implementing the Common Core.
Previous updated thematic collections are:
You can see the list of Common Core posts following this excerpt from one of them:
From 2014/15
Close Reading Can Be ‘Fun or Awful’
Christopher Lehman, Cris Tovani, Pernille Ripp, Jan Burkins and Kim Yaris contribute their thoughts.
Close Reading Is A ‘Life Skill’
Sonja Cherry-Paul, Dana Johansen, Stephanie Harvey, Julie Goldman, Diana Sisson and Betsy Sisson are the featured guests in this post.
Kimberly Carraway, Katherine S. McKnight, Harvey F. Silver, Amy Benjamin, Nancy Boyles, Rita Platt -- along with readers -- share their ideas.
Supporting ELLs in The Common Core Era
Kathryn Haydon, Dr. Lindsey Moses, and Lori DiGisi contribute their thoughts.
Teaching Literature Through ‘Choice’ & ‘Practice’
This post features responses from Regie Routman, Katherine S. McKnight and Michael W. Smith.
Literature Can Be a ‘Gateway for Understanding Everything’
Several educators - Nancy Steineke, Sean McComb, Nancy Frey, Doug Fisher, Bill Himmele and Pérsida Himmele - provide responses here.
A Good Reading Lesson Doesn’t ‘Put Standards Before Students’
In this post, guest responses come from educators Cheryl B. Dobbertin, Ilse O’Brien, Katherine S. McKnight and Regie Routman.
Ways to ‘Shrink the Change’ of Tech & CCSS in Your Classroom
Sonja Cherry-Paul, Dana Johansen, Mike Fisher, Andrew Miller, and Amy Roediger share their advice.
‘Slow & Steady Wins the Race’ for Making Changes in Teaching
Charlene Stone, Jeremy Hyler, and Harry Dickens contribute their suggestions.
Ways to Teach Common-Core Math to ELLs
Bill Zahner, Ben Spielberg, Gladis Kersaint, Denisse R. Thompson, Maria Montalvo-Balbed, and Denise Huddlestun share their suggestions.
From 2013/14
‘Teachers Know A Lot About Scaffolding’ For Complex Texts
This post includes three joint commentaries from Nancy Frey and Douglas Fisher; Tammy Mulligan and Clare Landrigan; and Aaron Brock and Jody Passanisi.
Teaching Complex Texts Requires ‘Getting To Know Your Students’
Read responses from three educators: Wendi Pillars, Amy Benjamin, and Christopher Lehman.
Writing Instruction & the Common Core - Part Three
This piece features commentaries from Amy Benjamin, Alice Mercer, and from many readers.
Preparing Students To Write Is ‘About Our Own Collaboration’
Heather Wolpert-Gawron, Kathy Glass, and Carol Jago share their ideas.
Developing Student Writers By Letting Them Talk...
This post shares commentaries come from educators Mary Tedrow, Ray Salazar and Tanya Baker.
From 2012/13
1. Best Ways to Prepare Our Students for CCSS in Language Arts
This post features commentaries from educator/authors Christopher Lehman, Amy Benjamin and Ben Curran.
2. ‘How on Earth Will I Implement’ Common Core for Language Arts?
Teachers Alice Mercer and Dina Strasser contribute their thoughts, as do many readers.
3. Ways To Try Using The CCSS With English Language Learners
This post includes responses from educators Diane Staehr Fenner; William and Pérsida Himmele; Debbie Arechiga; and Julie Dermody.
4. Common Core & ELLs -- Part Two
Along with comments from readers, this post features two special contributions: one from the Understanding Language team at Stanford and the other a joint response from educator/authors Maria G. Dove and Andrea Honigsfeld.
5. Ways To Develop Creative Thinking In The Common Core
Three author educators -- Amy Benjamin, Ben Curran, and Heather Wolpert-Gawron -- contribute guest responses here.
I hope you’ve found this summary useful and, again, keep those questions coming!