During the summer, I will be sharing thematic posts bringing together responses on similar topics from the past nine years. You can see all those collections from the first eight years here.
Here are the ones I’ve posted so far:
This Year’s Most Popular Q&A Posts
School Closures & the Coronavirus Crisis
Best Ways to Begin the School Year
Best Ways to End the School Year
Student Motivation & Social-Emotional Learning
Today’s theme is on Gender Challenges in Education . You can see the list following this excerpt from one of them:

* Sexual Harassment & Assault in Schools
Six educators share stories of sexual harassment at school and offer recommendations on how teachers can respond to it, including through educating themselves and students alike.
* Challenges Faced by Women Teachers & Ways to Respond to Them
Educators Megan M. Allen, Rusul Alrubail, Pernille Ripp, Amy Williams, and Patricia (Tish) Jennings contribute commentaries in this post.
* Wondering ‘How Gender Influences a Teacher’s Struggles & Successes’
This post features educator Ray Salazar, who, in addition to sharing his personal experiences and thoughts, interviewed other teachers.
* Male Teachers ‘Walking a Tight Rope’
New York City teacher José Vilson and Sacramento, Calif., educator Alice Mercer share their ideas. In addition, I’ve included many reader comments