To the Editor:
Regarding “Education Advocates to Congress: Pass a Real Budget” (Politics K-12 blog, Nov. 29, 2010): For all children to benefit from public education, federal funds must be appropriated effectively and without pause. Our children’s education is of utmost importance, and to let millions of dollars and precious seconds slip away because of an inability to compromise is abominable.
As in 2002, with the failure to properly implement the No Child Left Behind Act, the federal government is still unable to get the ball rolling and give states and schools the funding that they need. Funding needs to be properly allocated with no provisions holding schools back from spending the money on what their districts need most. Congress should not pass up this opportunity to help children succeed through federal programming that requires funds to operate. Our children are our future, and if we wait too long to educate them, we will soon be left with nothing.
Michele Brush
St. Louis, Mo.